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Shaikhul Islaam

Do not use the title '𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐲𝐤𝐡 𝐮𝐥-𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚̄𝐦' lightly, as this is a lofty title which is bestowed upon a scholar once he has mastered all the 18 sciences of the Sharī'ah. Which means, being an expert in the Arabic language, memorising the Qur'ān and mastering all the 10 modes of recitation, knowing the explanation of all the āyāt (verses). Memorising thousands of aḥādīth with their explanation. Memorising numerous books in all the 18 sciences, studying intricate principles of all the sciences and then becoming a 'master' in each and every science.
Sciences such as: Lughat ul-‘Arabiyyah, 'Usūl ul-Fiqh, Furū' ul-Fiqh, 'Ilm ut-Tafsīr, 'Usūl ut-Tafsīr, Asbāb un-Nuzūl, 'Ilm an-Naskh, 'Ilm ul-Tajwīd, Riwayat ul-Ḥadīth, Dirāyat al-Ḥadīth, 'Ilm al-I'tiqād, 'Ilm al-Iḥsān, 'Ilm an-Naḥw, 'Ilm as-Sarf, al-Ma'ānī, al-Bayān, al-Badī', al-Ishtiqāq.

1st of Rajjab marks Wiladat E Shaikhul Islaam,

We have been blessed with the great personality none other than Shaykh Ul Islam Rais Ul Muhaqqiqeen Syed Ul Mufasireen Imam E humam Hujjatul islam Allama Maulana Mufti Syed Madni Miyan Ashrafi Al Jilaani

Books Of ⬇️

• Islam Ka Tassawure Ila Aur Maududi Sahib

• Deen aur Aqamat e Deen

• Al-Arba'in Al-Ashrafi

• Baran e Rahmat

• Masila Hazir O Nazir

• Inam al-Amal bil Niyyat

• Karamat-e-Ghawth-e-Azam

• Islamic Law

• Muslim Personal Law or Islamic Law?

• Islam Ka Nazriya Ibadat Aur Maududi Sahib

• Dawat e Islami Ka Tanqidi Jaiza

• Farizae Dawat O Tabligh

• Video Aur TV Ka Shariayi Istamal

• Tafhim al-Hadith Sarrah Mhiskat Shareef

• Islam Ka Nazriya Khatme Nabuwat Aur Tehzirun Nas

• Kanz al-Iman Aur Digar Tarazum-e-Quran Ka Taqably Mutalia

• Asri Takaze

• Kitabatun Biswa

• Karamat-e-Ghawth-e-Azam

• Mohabbate Rasool Ruhe Iman

• Rasool-e-Akram Kai Tashreehi Iktiyarat

• Islam Ka Nazriya Ibadat

• Khutbate Hyderabad

• Khutbate Bartannia

• Muhabbat al-Ahl al-Bayt ( In English:- Love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ 's Family)

• Roohai Namaaz

• Sharhe Hadeese Jibrael

• Tafheem al-Hadees

Tafseer e Ashrafi ( Tarjuma E Quraan)

And more ....

Quote by Shaikhul Islaam:

Woh Khuda ka Zikr He Nahi Jisme Zikr Mustafa na ho
Aur Zikre Mustafa ﷺ he Ai'ne Zikr Khuda

~ Shaikhul Islaam Wal'Muslimeen Hazarat Sayyed Madani Miyan Ashrafi Al Jilaani