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(Allah, in the name of, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful)  

"Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu 'Alaa Saieyidinaa  Muhammadin wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma 'een ".  

(Praise be to Allah, the Creator, Sustainer and Nourisher of all the universes and the choicest  blessings and peace of Allah be upon [His Messenger] our kind master Hadrat Muhammad and  upon his pious posterity and devoted companions).  





Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammadur-Rasoolul Laah. (Sallal Laahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam).  No one is worthy of worship but Allah alone (and) (Hadrat) Muhammad is the (true) Messenger  of Allah.  



Ash-hadu Allaa-Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo wa Ash-hadu Anna  Muhammadan 'Abduhoo wa Rasooluh.  

I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah alone; He is One; He has no partner and I bear  witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is His (chosen) servant and (true) Messenger.  



Subhaa-nal Laahi wal-Hamdu Lillaahi wa-Laaa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu wal-Laahu Akbar. Wa-Laa  Haula wa-Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaa-hil 'Alee-yil 'Azeem.  

Glory be to Allah and Allah alone deserves all praise; there is no deity but Allah alone and Allah  is the Most Great; there is no power, no might but in Allah to save(us)from sins and enable (us)  to do good, Who is the Most High, the Most Great.  




Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamd. Yuhyee wa  yomeetu wa Huwa Haie-yul Laa Yamootu Abadan Abadaa. Zul-Jalaale wal-Ikraam Bi-yade-hil  Khaier. Wa Huwa ' Alaa Kulli Shaie-in Qadeer.  

There is no deity but Allah alone; He is the One indeed; He has no partner; His is the Kingdom  (of all the worlds) and all praise is due to Him; He gives life and causes death; And He is ever living and death will never come to Him; He is the Most Great and highly Glorified; in His hand  is all good and He has absolute power over everything.  



Astaghfi-rul Laaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zanmbin Aznabtohu 'Amadan Ao-khata-an Sirran Ao 'Alaa ni-yatan wa Atoobu Ilaiehi Minaz-zanmbillazee 'Alamu wa Minaz-zanmbillazee Laaa 'Alamu  Innaka Anta 'Allaa-mul Ghu-yubi wa Sattaa-rul 'Oyubi wa Ghaffaa-rul Zunoob. Walaa Haula  walaa Quwwata Illaa Bil-Laa-hil-'Ali-yil Azeem.  

I beg forgiveness of Allah, Who is my Creator and Cherisher, for each and every sin which I  committed consciously or unconsciously, secretly or openly; I also seek His forgiveness for sins  which I know or do not know; O' Allah! Undoubtedly, You are the best Knower of all the  unseen, the best Coverer of (our) failings and the best Forgiver of (our) sins and it is only the  blessing of Allah, which helps (us) to avoid sins and do good; He is indeed the Most High, the  Most Great.  



Allaa-humma Innee A'oozu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika Shaie-an wa Anaa 'Alamu Bihee wa  Astaghfiroka Limaa Laaa 'Alamu Bihee Tubtu 'Anhu wa-Tabarra'-tu Minal Kufri wash-Shirki  wal-Kizbi wal-Gheebati wal-Bid'ati wan-Nameemati wal-Fawaahishi heresy wal-Bohtaani wal Ma'aasee Kullihaa wa Aslamtu wa Aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammadur Rasoolul Laah.  (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa-Sallam).  

O' Allah! I seek refuge with You to save myself from associating any partner with You, which I  know; and I beg Your forgiveness for sins which I do not know; I solemnly repent and  disdainfully cast off infidelity, polytheism, lie, back-biting, (bad innovations), sneaking (tale bearing), all shameful deeds and slanders and every sort of disobedience and I sincerely  embraced Islaam and declare from the core of my heart that there is none worthy of worship but  Allah alone; (Hadrat) Muhammad is the (choicest) Messenger of Allah.  


"Aamantu Bil-Laahi Kamaa Huwa bi-Asmaaa-ehee wa Sifaatehee wa Qabiltu Jamee'a  Ahkaamehee Iqraa-rum bil-Lisaani wa Tasdeequm bil-Qalb".  

(I firmly believed in Allah as He is with all His names and attributes and I sincerely accepted all  His commands confirming them with my tongue and from the bottom of my heart).  


"Aamantu Bil-Laahi wa Malaaa-ikatehee wa Kutubehee wa Rusulihee wal-Yaumil Aakheri wal Qadri Khaierehee wa Sharrehee Minal Laahi Ta'aalaa wal-Ba'si Ba'dal Maut". 


(I believed (with all my heart) in Allah, His Angels, His (revealed) Books, His Messengers and  the Day of Judgement (and) that every good and evil has been predestined by Allah and that the  dead ones will be resurrected).  


  1. Allah is the One indeed. He has absolutely no partner. He alone is worthy of being  worshipped. He is all Independent and depends on none. All the worlds and creatures are  subservient to Him.  
  2. We believe in all Apostles, Messengers and Prophets whom Allah Almighty sent for the  guidance of humanity. It is obligatory upon every believer to respect and revere all Messengers  and consider them as Allah's "loved ones". Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad ( may  the choicest blessings & peace of Allah be upon him) is the leader and highest of all the  Apostles, Messengers and Prophets.  
  3. Allah Almighty has revealed books to some Messengers which are "Kalaam Allah"(speech of  Allah). Belief in all the revealed books and in their contents is essential. Of all the revealed  books, the Glorious Qur-aan which was gifted to the Beloved Prophet (Hadrat) Muhammad is  the best and Allah Almighty Himself has taken up the responsibility of its protection.  
  4. Angels are "Noori"(ethereal, luminous) creature of Allah. They are neither male nor female.  They are innocent and obedient servants of Allah. They do what Allah commands them. They  subsist on worship and remembrance of Allah.  
  5. Genies have been created of fire. They live and die like humanbeings. There are believers,  disbelievers, good and bad in them. Disbelieving and mischievous genies are called devils.  
  6. One day everything (angels, mountains, animals, the earth, the sky) will perish like  humanbeings. There will remain nothing in existence but Allah alone. Then all things will be re created and dead ones resurrected from their graves. All will be made to gather in a particular  field that is called "Hashar" (resurrection). The Balance will be installed and doings of all will be  weighed therein. Everyone will get the nemesis of his/her misdeeds and sins and reward of  virtuous acts. Believers will be entered into paradise and infidels and disbelievers will be cast  into Hell.  
  7. The Hell has a bridge over it which leads to heavens. It is called "Siraat"(straight pathway). It  is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword. All people will have to cross this "Siraat". It is  the only pathway to reach heavens.  
  8. What had to happen in the world and what one had to do Allah Almighty wrote all that with  His eternally infinite knowledge. And whatever has been decreed will certainly happen sans the  slightest change. This is called "Taqdeer" (predestination).  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 2  


Q 1: Who are you?  

  1. We are Muslim.  

Q 2: Who is called Muslim?  

  1. The follower of Islamic faith is called Muslim.  

Q 3: On which principles does Islaam base?  

  1. Islamic faith is based on five cardinal principles:  
  2. To bear witness that there is no true deity save Allah and that Hadrat Muhammad (may the  choicest blessings & peace of Allah be upon him) is His chosen servant and true Messenger.  b. To establish prayer five times a day.  
  3. To pay "Zakaat" (poor due).  
  4. To perform Hajj.  
  5. To observe fasts during the holy month of Ramadaan.  

Q 4: What is Kalimah of Islaam (Islaamic declaration)?  

  1. "Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Muhammadur Rasoolul Laah". (None is worthy of worship but Allah  alone. [Hadrat] Muhammad is Allah's [choicest] Messenger).  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 3  

Q 1: What is Islamic faith?  

  1. Islamic faith is to firmly believe that the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (may the choicest  blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is true and his every word and deed is also true.  Whoever believes so is a Muslim.  

Q 2: Can one be Muslim who recites Kalimah without understanding its meaning?  A. He will be considered a Muslim who believes that Islaam is the true religion and expresses his  intention of embracing Islaam with his tongue reciting Kalimah if there is none to make him  understand the meaning of Kalimah or he does not understand due to any handicap.  

Q 3: What about those who do not believe in Islaam?  

  1. Such people are called "infidels".  

Q 4: Who is called "Murtad" (renegade)?  

  1. Apostate or renegade is that wretched one who has embraced Islaam but even then speaks  blasphemous words against Islaam and is adamant not to renounce his blasphemy.  

Q 5: Who are hypocrites?  

  1. Hypocrites are those who have embraced Islaam and claim to be Muslim but deny Islaam at  heart.  

Q 6: Which people are called "Mushrik"(polytheists)?  

  1. Those wretched ones who worship different objects excepting Allah or consider someone or  something as partner in Allah's infinite kingdom and eternal power.  

Q 7: Which nations are "Mushrik"in the world?  

  1. Like Hindus who worship idols and consider them partner in Allah's infinite Kingdom and  eternal power, Christians, Jews, Parsi etc: who believe either in duality of God or in trinity. All  such people are "Mushrik".  

Q 8: Are there "Mushrik"(polytheists) in Muslims?  

  1. God forbid! How can a Muslim be "Mushrik", for, he firmly believes in Oneness of true God  i.e. Allah. Contrary to this, Mushrik considers one or the other humanbeing or thing as partner of  Allah. No Mushrik can be called Muslim and no Muslim can be described as Mushrik.  

Q 9: What about those people who term Muslims as "Mushrik"?  

  1. Some misguided and disgruntled groups of people have surfaced who call Muslims  "polytheists" and "heretics" on one pretext or the other. The Muslims must avoid and  disassociate themselves from such misguided elements to save their Islamic faith.  

Q 10: Can we call a "Kaafir"(infidel) as infidel or not?  

  1. A Muslim should be called Muslim and an infidel as infidel. There is no rhyme or reason in  forbidding one to call infidel as "Kaafir". Allah Almighty Himself calls infidels as "Kaafir" i.e.  "Qul Yaaa Aieyu-hal Kaaferoon" (Say you [Muhammad] O' infidels!). 


Volume - I / LESSON NO: 4  


Q 1: What is paradise?  

  1. Paradise is an abode of endless bliss which Allah Almighty has created for the believers. It is  comprised of one hundred classes and the distance between two classes is like that of the  distance between the earth and heavens. Each heaven is so vast and spacious that there will  remain enough room if the whole world with all its contents is placed therein.  

Q 2: What is in paradise?  

  1. Allah Almighty has created such paraphernalia of physical and spiritual bliss and felicity in it  that is unseen, unheard, un-imagined and undreamt of. Even an emperor and king can not enjoy  such pleasures and facilities which will be available to the inmates of the lowest class of the  paradise.  

Q 3: Which will be the greatest blessing in paradise?  

  1. The greatest favour with which the believers will be graced in heavens is the "vision(sight) of  Allah". All divine boons, bounties and favours will be eclipsed by Allah's vision. Once believers  had it they would get absorbed in its exquisite ecstasy for ever.  

Q 4: How many believers will be entered into heavens?  

  1. The Holy Prophet said that of my bondslaves, seventy thousands would be admitted into  heavens without any "reckoning". Everyone of them would take a group of seventy thousand  believers with him into paradise. Allah Almighty would yet grace them and three more  multitudes of believers would accompany them. The exact number of believers who will be  entered into heavens is known to Allah or His Choicest Prophet whom Allah Almighty has  endowed with such knowledge.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 5  


Q1: What is hell?  

  1. Allah Almighty has created a dreadful place for the chastisement and punishment of infidels,  disbelievers and sinners which is called "Jahannam" (hell). It has seventy thousand dangerous  and horrendous valleys with each valley having seventy thousand similar horrid dells and pits.  These valleys, dells and pits are infested with innumerable frightful scorpions, serpents and  dragons.  

Q 2: What is in hell?  

  1. There are varied torments in hell. It is dreadful even to think of the torments therein. In sum,  it has the torments of fire, chilling cold, snakes, scorpions, poisonous animals etc. The flames of  its fire rage high unabatedly and overtake the infidels with violent force. The fuel of hell is  humanbeings and stones.  

Q 3: How will a sinful believer be absolved?  

  1. A believer will ultimately be absolved irrespective of his myriad sins and admitted into  paradise either by the blessing of Allah Almighty or the intercession of His Darling Elect Hadrat  Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings and peace be upon him) or having served  his term of punishment in hell. Paradise is the last and ultimate abode of believers wherein they  will live eternally.  

Q 4: Is there any absolution for infidels or not?  

  1. The major sins of infidelity and polytheism will never be absolved. Infidels and polytheists  will live eternally in hell and face different sorts of torments. They will also be locked in boxes  of fire which will be encased in other fire boxes. Every infidel and polytheist will think that it is  the last chastisement but they will get no relief and keep suffering torments upon torments.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 6  


Q 1: Which Prophet's community (Ummah) do you belong to?  

  1. We belong to the Ummah (community) of Allah's Beloved Prophet Hadrat Muhammad  Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him).  

Q 2: Briefly explain about the Holy Prophet?  

  1. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be  upon him) was born in Makkah city of Arabia. His father Hadrat Abdullah (may Allah be  pleased with him) had passed away before his birth. His mother Hadrat Beebee Aminah (may  Allah be pleased with her) also died when the Prophet was yet of six years. Thus the  responsibility of his upbringing automatically devolved upon his paternal grand father Hadrat  Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him). But he also expired when the Prophet attained  to the age of 8 years, 2 months and 10 days. Hadrat Haleema nursed and breast fed the Holy  Prophet during his early infancy.  

Q 3: At what age did Allah Almighty make him Prophet?  

  1. Though the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings &  peace be upon him) formally received Prophet hood and first revelation at the age of forty but, in  fact, he was the "first" in all Apostles, Messengers and Prophets as he himself said that "first of  all Allah Almighty created my Noor (light)".  

Q 4: How did the Holy Prophet preach and promote Islaam?  

  1. At the outset the Holy Prophet preached Islaam to his close relatives and acquaintances as the  ignorance and barbarism reigned supreme in Arabia and the concept of One God, as the Creator,  Sustainer and Nourisher was alien to their nature and to their soil. The Muslims worshipped  Allah secretly. Even father was afraid of his son and vice versa due to having embraced Islaam.  Gradually, the number of male and female converts to Islamic faith swelled and then Allah  Almighty commanded the Holy Prophet to preach Islaam openly. He did so and Islaam rapidly  spread in whole of Makkah city and even in the adjoining areas.  

Q 5: Who was the first to embrace Islaam?  

  1. Hadrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was the first in men to embrace Islaam,  Hadrat Khudaija-tul-Kubra (may Allah be pleased with her) was first in women, Hadrat 'Alee  (may Allah be pleased with him) was in teenagers and in slaves Hadrat Zaid bin Harisah (may  Allah be pleased with him),was first who embraced Islaam.  

Q 6: Where did the Holy Prophet live throughout his life?  

  1. The Holy Prophet preached Islaam for ten years in the holy Makkah (his birth place). Since  Allah Almighty wanted to make the holy Madinah, the "bastion" of Islaam so some people of  Madinah during their visit to Makkah embraced Islaam and started preaching Islamic faith. Thus  the first seminary of Islaam was founded in Madinah. Gradually the Muslims of Makkah  migrated to Madinah and at last the Darling Elect of Allah, Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may  Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) also shifted to Madinah and spent his entire  remaining life there. His Roda-e-Aqdas (holy shrine) is in holy Madinah which is visited by  millions of his lovers and votaries. He (apparently) passed away at the age of sixty three, but  actually he is alive in his hallowed grave. 


Q 7: With which especial favour the Holy Prophet was endowed in Makkah?  A. The Holy Prophet was blessed with "Me'raaj" (ascension to the heavens) a night in the waking  during the fifth year after the proclamation of his Prophethood. He was taken on "Buraaq" (a  white, very fast, sexless heavenly animal which stepped beyond eyeshot) by the Chief Angel  Hadrat Gibreil from his sacred house to Aqsa mosque (Jerusalem) and then to the skies,heavens.  He visited all the seven skies, empyrean, heavens and Haud-e-Kauser (an exclusive heavenly  body of water reserved for the Holy Prophet). Hell was presented before him to see for himself  the torments to be meted out to infidels and sinners. He saw each and everything. Nothing  remained unseen. Even he saw Allah's Jamaal (splendidly sublime sight) and spoke with Him  sans any intermediary. On this occasion, Salaat (prayer) five times a day was made obligatory on  the believers. Before the night was over he came back home.  

Q 8: Is there any successor to the Prophethood of Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's  choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?  

  1. No, absolutely not. The Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest  blessings & peace be upon him) is "Khaataman Nabi-yeen" (the Last Prophet). He who believes  or considers that there was or is or will be any Prophet after Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may  Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is infidel and disbeliever.  

Q 9: What rank does the Holy Prophet hold among the Prophets?  

  1. Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings &  peace be upon him) is the highest and leader of all Apostles, Messengers and Prophets. He is a  perfect agglomeration of all those blessed traits, impeccabilities and miracles that were  individually found in the other Prophets. He is the "Darling Elect" (Beloved) of Allah which  aptly vindicates that no other Apostle, Messenger, Prophet or Angel is so close to Allah as he is.  

Q10: What about the belief of those people who describe the Holy Prophet mere a human being  or like their elder brother?  

  1. He who considers the Holy Prophet mere a human being like himself or says he is like my  elder brother or tries to denigrate him in one way or the other is apostate and disbeliever. It has  been explained at places in the Holy Qur-aan that nations in the past slided into misguidance and  disbelief because they considered and treated their Prophets as mere humanbeings like  themselves.  

Q11: What does it mean to believe in the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's  choicest blessings & peace be upon him)?  

  1. Belief in Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him)  means that we should have unwavering faith in his being the "Last Prophet" of Allah and no  Prophet to succeed or follow him, he is the best of all mankind and the most truthful and that our  salvation in this world and the world hereafter lies in obeying him. We ought to love him more  than our parents, children, all mankind even our own self. In fact, our unbounded love and  reverence for the Holy Prophet is "real faith" (Eimaan).  

Q12: Which deeds reflect "love" for the Holy Prophet?  

  1. Following deeds of believers are reflective of "love" for the Holy Prophet:  - Speak high of him with due reverence. 


- Invoke Allah's blessings on him profusely (recite Durood Shareef in as many numbers as  possible).  

- Be attentive and respectful when his sublime life is explained before you and recite Durood  Shareef hearing his blessed name. Do not forget to add "Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi wa Sallam" to his  name if you write anywhere.  

- Have love for his posterity, companions and those who love the Holy Prophet.  - Harbour enmity towards his enemies.  

- Say such words while talking about him that befit his dignity and greatness.  - Do not call him "Yaa Muhammad" (O' Muhammad) but as "Yaa Nabi-yal Laah (O' Prophet of  Allah) and "Yaa Rasoolal Laah" (O' the Messenger of Allah).  

- Follow his Sunnah heart and soul.  

- Organise and attend "Eid Meelaad-un-Nabee" programs (celebrations of the Holy Prophet's  birth day i.e. 12th Rabi ul Awwal) and recite Salaat-o-Salaam (invocation of Allah's blessings on  him) aloud enthusiastically.  



Volume-I / LESSON NO: 7  


Q 1: What is Holy Qur-aan?  

  1. The Glorious Qur-aan is "Kalaam Allah"(Speech of Allah) which Allah has gifted to His  Beloved Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) who  is the best and highest of all creatures. To believe in what it contains is a part and parcel of our  faith.  

Q 2: How do you know that the Holy Qur-aan is "Kalaam Allah"(Speech of Allah)?  A. The Holy Qur-aan is itself a cogent proof of its being "Kalaam Allah". It declares and  challenges infidels and disbelievers that "if you are in some doubt about what we have sent to  Our chosen servant then bring one chapter like it". All the enemies of Islaam (particularly the  eloquent and rhetoric literati and poets of Arabia) put their heads together and strove hard to  bring or produce a like of it but miserably failed to produce even a verse like it what to talk of  any chapter. Thus the Holy Qur-aan is an "ever-challenging" phenomenon to infidels and  disbelievers till the end of time.  

Q 3: What is the exclusive distinction of the Qur-aan?  

  1. The ever-living miracle of the Glorious Qur-aan is that the believers even their children  commit it to their memory in whole. Contrary to this fact the other revealed books could not be  memorised by the followers of the books excepting the Prophets to whom the said books were  revealed.  

Q 4: What is the total period during which the Holy Qur-aan was descended?  A. The descent period of the Holy Qur-aan is 23 years. Its verses were sent down either singly or  in batches as the need arose.  

Q 5: How much reward does a believer get by reciting the Glorious Qur-aan?  A. Our kind master Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be  upon him) said that he who recites a letter of the Qur-aan gets one goodness which is equal to ten  good deeds and stressed "I do not say that "Alif-Laaam-Meeem" is one letter but Alif is a letter,  Laaam is a letter and Meeem is a letter.  

Q 6: What about that believer who does not learn the Holy Qur-aan?  

  1. The Holy Prophet has said "the breast (of believer) which has nothing of the Qur-aan therein  is like a deserted house".  

Q 7: What are the due rules of reciting (reading) the Holy Qur-aan?  

  1. Believer should in the state of ablution (Wudu) sit at a clean place preferably in mosque  facing the Qibla (Holy Ka'bah) placing the Holy Qur-aan before himself on any raised thing  (small slanted desk or pillow) and begin reciting the Glorious Quraan preceded by "A'oozu bil Laahi Minash Shaietaa-nir Rajeem" (I seek refuge with Allah from Devil, the accursed) and  "Bismil-Laahir Rahmaa-nir Raheem" (Allah, in whose name I begin, the Most Affectionate, the  Most Merciful) with all heart and humility. Show no haste but recite carefully and with serenity.  Mind it! The mouth should be free from every kind of smell like onion, garlic etc. 


It is sinful to touch the Holy Qur-aan without ablution. Listeners should be attentive and  respectful to the recitation.  

Q 8: How to dispose of an old Qur-aan which is worn out and has also lost its legibility?  A. The Holy Qur-aan which is worn out and is no more legible, should be buried, wrapping up in  a piece of clean cloth, at such a place that is not trodden by humanbeings and animals. It is better  to bury it in a grave-like ditch so as to save it from the earth.  

Q 9: Are copies of the Holy Qur-aan with correct text available?  

  1. Yes, the copies of the Holy Qur-aan with correct text (without the slightest difference) are  available everywhere. It is safe from being interpolated as Allah Almighty is Himself its  protector.  

Q 10: What is the divine wisdom in the descent of the Holy Qur-aan?  

  1. Allah Almighty has descended the Holy Qur-aan for the guidance of His servants to the right  path so that they may know Allah and His Messenger, follow their commands and abstain from  evils.  



Volume-I / LESSON NO: 8  


Q 1: What is Salaat(prayer)?  

  1. Worship of Allah by the Muslims in a specified way (five times a day) is called  "Salaat"(prayer). This method of prayer has been taught to the Muslims by Allah Almighty, His  Messenger, Holy Qur-aan and Sunnah.  

Q2: On whom is prayer obligatory?  

  1. It is "Fard"(obligatory) upon every sane and mature Muslim male and female. The denier of  its obligatory nature is infidel.  

Q3: Is prayer obligatory on children?  

  1. It is not obligatory upon minors. However, at the age of seven they should be taught how to  offer prayer and when they are grown-up of 10, influence even force them if they do not offer.  

Q 4: Please explain some excellences of prayer?  

  1. The Beloved Prophet of Allah (Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa, may Allah's choicest blessings &  peace be upon him) has said: when a Muslim stands up to offer prayer his sins fall down as  leaves of a tree wither down during autumn. In another tradition it is reported that when a  Muslim stands up to offer prayer, the gates of Paradise are opened up for him. Prayer is key to  heavens. Prayer is the pillar of Islaam, whoever offers/establishes it, strengthens Islaam if  abandons it he demolishes the fortress of Islaam.  

The Holy Qur-aan says: surely prayer keeps one away from shameful and forbidden acts. In sum,  the believer who is steadfast in offering/establishing prayer is dear to Allah and His Messenger  and his livelihood, life and "Eimaan" are blessed by the grace of prayer.  

Q 5: What about that believer who does not offer prayer?  

  1. The Holy Prophet said that the name of Muslim who deliberately abandons prayer is written  on the gate of Hell. Allah and His Prophet are fed up with him. The believer who is not steadfast  in prayer will be raised with Pharaoh on the Doomsday.  

Q 6: Which punishment should be meted out to the believer who does not offer prayer?  A. Excommunicate him. He may improve himself by the fear of excommunication and become  steadfast in offering prayer.  

Q 7: What is the maturity age?  

  1. The boys and girls who have attained the age of 15 are considered mature in Islaam. Prayer  and fasts become obligatory upon them and all Islamic rules and regulations apply to them.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 9  


Q 1: How many prayers are offered in a day (during 24 hours)?  

  1. Prayer is obligatory five times a day (day night:24 hours).  

Q 2: What are the names of prayers?  

  1. 1. Salaat-ul-Fajr (early morning prayer) 2.Salaat-ul-Zuhr (afternoon prayer) 3.Salaat-ul-Asr  (late afternoon prayer) 4.Salaat-ul-Maghrib (evening prayer) 5.Salaat-ul-'Ishaa (night prayer).  

Q 3: What is the appointed time of each prayer?  

  1. The appointed time of Fajr begins at dawn and ends at the sun-rise, Zuhr time begins when  the sun has passed meridian and lasts till the shadow of everything doubles excepting the real  shadow, Asr time begins at where the Zuhr time ends and lasts till (before) sun-set, Maghrib time  begins after the sun has set and lasts till the disappearance of evening twilight (Maghrib time  lasts for at most 11/2 hours after Maghrib's Azaan) and 'Ishaa time begins after the evening  twilight has vanished and lasts till (before) the dawn of Fajr.  



Volume-I / LESSON NO: 10  


Q 1: How many Rak'ahs (parts) are Fard (obligatory) in prayers five times a day?  A. 17 Rak'ahs are obligatory i.e. Fajr=2, Zuhr=4, Asr=4, Maghrib=3 and 'Ishaa=4.  

Q 2: How many Rak'ahs are Sunnat-e-Muakkadah (emphasised Sunnah) in all the five time  prayers?  

  1. 12 Rak'ahs are Sunnat-e-Muakkadah i.e. Fajr=2 (pre-Fard), Zuhr=6 (4 pre-Fard & 2 post Fard), Maghrib=2 (post Fard) and Isha=2 (post Fard).  

Q 3: How many Rak'ahs are Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkada (non-emphasised Sunnah) or Nafil  (optional, voluntary prayer) in all the five time prayers?  

  1. Following are Sunnat-e-Ghair-Muakkadah and Nafil in all the five time prayers: 2 Nafil after  Zuhr, 4 or 2 Rakahs Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah before Asr, 2 Nafil after Maghrib and 2 or 4  Rakahs Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah before Isha's Fard, 2 Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah after Isha's  Fard followed by 2 Nafil, 3 Witr (essential prayer) and 2 Nafil. No particular number of Nafil  prayers has been reported.  

Q 4: How many Rak'ahs are offered in all the five time prayers?  

  1. Total 48 Rak'ahs are offered in all the five time prayers i.e. Fajr:4 Rak'ahs (2 Sunnat & 2  Fard), Zuhr: 12 Rak'ahs (4 Sunnat, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnat & 2 Nafil), Asr:8 Rak'ahs (4 Sunnat-e Ghair-Muakkadah & 4 Fard), Maghrib:7 Rak'ahs (3 Fard, 2 Sunnat & 2 Nafil) and Isha:17  Rak'ahs (4 Sunnat Ghair Muakkada, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnat, 2 Nafil, 3 Witr & 2 Nafil).  

Q 5: Is Witr prayer Fard or Sunnat?  

  1. Three Rak'ahs of Witr are neither Fard nor Sunnah but are Waajib (essential) which are  offered with Isha prayer.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 11  


Q 1: What is Azaan?  

  1. A particular proclamation to call Muslims to mosque for offering prayer is called Azaan.  

Q 2: Are there some specified words of Azzan?  

  1. Yes, there are specified words of Azaan i.e.  

Al-Laahu Akbar. Al-Laahu Akbar.  

Al-Laahu Akbar. Al-Laahu Akbar.  

Ash-hadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laah.  

Ash-hadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laah.  

Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah.  

Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah.  

Haiey-ya 'Alas-Salaah.  

Haiey-ya 'Alas-Salaah.  

Haiey-ya 'Alal Falaah.  

Haiey-ya 'Alal Falaah.  

Al-Laahu Akbar.  

Al-Laahu Akbar.  

Laa Ilaaha Illal Laah.  

Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most  Great. I bear witness that there is no god save Allah. I bear witness that there is no god save  Allah. I bear witness that (Hadrat) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. I bear witness that  (Hadrat) Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Come to offer prayer. Come to offer prayer.  Come to gain salvation. Come to gain salvation. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most  Great. There is none worthy of worship excepting Allah.  

Note: For detail Adhan with Arabic Text click here.  

Q 3: Are the same words repeated in every Azaan?  

  1. Yes, in every Azaan the same words are proclaimed except for Fajr Azaan in which these  words "Assalaatu Khaierum Minan Naum" (prayer is better than sleep) are uttered twice after  "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah".  

Q 4: How should one make Azaan?  

  1. Believer who intends to make Azaan (call to prayer) should stand, in the state of ablution, on  a high or elevated place outside the precinct of mosque facing the Qibla with his index fingers in  his ears and loudly utter the words of Azaan at ease. While saying "Haie-ya ' Alas-Salaah" turn  his face towards the right side and while saying "Haie-ya 'Alal-Falaa" turn the face towards the  left.  

Q 5: What is he called who proclaims Azaan?  

  1. He who makes Azaan is called Mu'azzin. 


Q 6: What should one do on hearing Azaan?  

  1. Hearing Azaan, one should abandon every work even recitation of the Holy Qur-aan, if  reciting at the moment. He should listen to it attentively and respond to. Remaining busy in talks  ignoring Azaan may cause one to meet bad end (death).  

Q 7: What should one say in response to Azaan?  

  1. Believer should repeat the words of Mu'azzin but in response to "Haie-ya 'Alas-Salaah" and  "Haie-ya 'Alal-Falaa" he should say "Laa Haula wa-Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaah" (there is no  might and power but in Allah who helps (us) avoid sins and do good).  

Q 8: What should a believer do on hearing the blessed name of Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa  (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) in Azaan?  

  1. Believer must invoke Allah's blessings (recite Durood Sharif) on him when Mu'azzin utters  "Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolul Laah" and better to say "Qurratu 'Aienee Beka Yaa  Rasoolal Laah. Alla-humma Matte'nee Bissam'i wal-Basar"(O' the Messenger of Allah! you are  the delight of my eyes. 0' Allah! bless my hearing and sight faculties) while kissing his thumbs  and then touching them with his eyes.  

Q 9: What should be recited on hearing "As-Salaatu Khaierum Minan Naum" (prayer is better  than sleep)?  

  1. Say "Sadaqta wa-Bararta wa-Bil-haqi Nataqt" (You have spoken the truth and done a good  deed).  

Q 10: Which Du'aa (supplication) is made after Azaan?  

  1. Recite Durood Sharif(invoke Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) followed by this Du'aa:  Allaa-humma Rabba Haazihid-Da'watit-Taaammati was-Salaatil Qaa-imati Aati Saiey-yidinaa  Muhammada nil-Waseelata wal-Fadeelata wad-Darajatar Rafee'ata wab-As-hu Maqaamam  Mahmooda nil-Lazee wa'Attahu waj'alnaa Shafaa'atehee Yaumal Qi-yaamah. Innaka Laa  Tukhliful-Mee'aad.  

O' Allah! The Sovereign Lord of the ever-establishing prayer and of this perfect call, grant our  leader Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) "Al-Waseelah" (the loftiest position of  intercession) and "Al-Fadeela" (the singular Fee excellence), and the highest rank and elevate  him to "Maqaam-e-Mahmood" (an exclusively praise-worthy primacy reserved only for the Holy  Prophet) and bless us with his intercession on the Doomsday. Undoubtedly, You do not do  anything against Your promise.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 12  


Q 1: What is Iqaamah?  

  1. Making call for the commencement of prayer in which the words of Azaan are repeated  causing the believers to stand in rows behind the Imaam, is called Iqaamah or Takbeer.  

Q 2: What is the difference between Azaan and Iqaamah?  

  1. The difference between Azaan and Iqaamah is that while making Azaan one stands on a high  or a elevated place outside the precinct of mosque and puts his index fingers into the ears while  Iqaamah is made in mosque in the first row behind (right-side or left-side of) the Imaam without  putting forefingers into the ears. Besides, in Iqaamah "Qad Qaamatis Salaah, Qad Qaamatis  Salaah" (prayer is ready to stand/establish, prayer is ready to stand/ establish) is recited after  "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah".  

Q 3: How to respond to Iqaamah?  

  1. Iqaamah should be responded like that of Azaan. However in response to "Qad Qaamatis  Salaah" these words should be uttered: "Aqaamahal Laahu Ta'aalaa wa Adaamahaa  Maadaamatis-Samaawaatu wal-Ard" (O' Allah keep it intact for ever till the sky and earth are in  existence).  

Q 4: Should Iqaamah (Takbeer) be listened-to in sitting posture or standing position?  A. Imaam and Muqtadi should stand hearing "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah". It is an undesirable act to  listen to Iqaamah standing.  

Q 5: What is he called who makes Iqaamah?  

  1. He who utters Iqaamah is called "Mukabbir".  

Q 6: Who should call Iqaamah?  

  1. The first right of uttering Iqaamah is of Mu'azzin who has made Azaan. However, any other  person can also make Iqaamah with his permission or in his absence.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 13  


Q 1: What is "Wudu" (ablution)?  

  1. To wash the face from the forelock down to the lower portion of the chin and from the lobe of  one ear to the other, to wash hands up to the elbows and the feet up to ankles and passing wet  fingers of both the hands over the head is called "Wudu" (ablution). It is forbidden to offer  prayer without ablution.  

Q 2: What is the method of performing Wudu?  

  1. Sit at a clean elevated place facing the Qibla to perform ablution and then recite "Bismil Laa hir Rahmaa-nir Raheem" (Allah, in the name of, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful) with  the intention of gaining reward and carrying out the command of Allah Almighty; wash both  hands up to the wrists and then apply "Miswaak" (soft tooth stick) to the teeth, if available,  otherwise rub the teeth with the forefinger; rinse the mouth thoroughly thrice and also gargle if  not observing fast; sniff up water into the nostrils with the right hand three times ensuring that  the water reaches the soft spot of the nose and wash the nose with the left hand; wash the face  well thrice in such a way that no spot from the forelock down to the lower portion of the chin and  from the lobe of one ear to the other remains dry (the water should flow on each spot of the  face); wash both the hands (first right hand and then the left) up to, inclusive of, the elbows three  times (no spot even nails should remain dry); do "Masah" of the head, ears and neck with wet  hands only once and then wash the feet (first the right foot and then the left) inclusive of the  ankles thrice.  

Q3: How to do Masah?  

  1. Having the hands wet with fresh water join three fingers (excluding the forefingers and  thumbs) of both the hands and pass them over the head from the forelock up to the nape of the  neck and then bring them back similarly to the forehead; (the palms should not touch the head);  wipe the inner sides of the ears with the tips of forefingers and wipe the outsides of the ears with  the insides of the thumbs and the neck be wiped with the back of the fingers. It is undesirable to  do Masah of the throat.  

Q 4: What should be recited after Wudu?  

  1. Having performed Wudu recite: "Allaa-hummaj 'Alnee Minat-tawwaabeena waj'alnee Minal  Mutatah-hareen"(O' Allah! make me of those who have repented and make me of those who  have been purified by You).  

Drink a little of the rest of ablution's water (standing upright). Recite Kalimah-e-Shahaadat  raising index finger towards and looking to the sky and also recite Surah Al-Qadr which will  earn the believer a great reward.  



Volume-I / LESSON NO: 14  



Subhaana Kal-Laahumma wa Bi-Hamdika wa Tabaarakasmuka wa Ta'aalaa Jadduka Walaaa  Ilaaha Ghaie-ruk.  

O'Allah! All glory is due to You, I praise You, Your name is the Most Blessed, Your Majesty is  highly exalted and there is none worthy of worship You.  


A'oozu Billaahi Minash Shaietaa-nir Rajeem.  

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.  


Bismil Laahir Rahmaa-nir Raheem.  

Allah, in whose name I begin, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful.  


Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil 'Alaameen. Ar-Rahmaanir Raheem. Maaleke Yaumid-deen. Ei-yaaka  Na'budu wa Ei-yaaka Nasta'een. Ihdenas Siraatal Mustaqeema Siraatal Lazeena An'amta 'Alaie him Ghaieril Maghdoobi 'Alaie-him Walad Daaaleeen.  

All praise is due to Allah, the Sovereign Lord of all the universes. The Most Affectionate, the  Most Merciful. The Owner of the Day of Retribution. O' Allah! You alone do we worship and  You alone do we beseech for help. Guide us to the straight path. The path of those whom You  have Favoured. Not of those who earned Your wrath and nor of those who went astray.  


Qul Huwal-Laahu Ahad. Allaa-hus Samad Lam Yalid Walam Yoolad Walam Yakul Lahoo  Kufuwan Ahad.  

Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah is All Independent. Neither He begot anyone nor He was  begotten. And none is equal to Him in any way.  


Sami 'Allaahu Liman Hamidah.  

Allah listens to him who praises Him.  


Rabbanaa Lakal-Hamd.  

O' our Sustainer! All praise is due to You alone.  


Atta-hee-yaatu Lillaahi was-Salawaatu wat-Taie-yi-baat. As-Salaamu 'Alaieka Aie-yu-han  Nabeeyu wa Rahmatul Laahi wa Barakaatu. As-Salaamu 'Alaie-naa wa 'Alaa 'Ibaadil Laahis Saaleheen. Ash-hadu Allaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu wa Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa  Rasoolu.  

O' Allah! You alone deserve all veneration, worship and glory. O'Prophet! Peace be on you and  the mercy of Allah and His blessings. Peace be upon us and on virtuous servants of Allah. I bear 


witness that none is worthy of worship save Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be  upon him) is His chosen servant and His Messenger.  


Allaa-humma Salle 'Alaa Saiey-yidinaa Muhammadin wa 'Alaaa Aale Saiey-yidinaa  Muhammadin Kamaa Salaieta 'Alaa Saiey-yidinaa Ibraaheema wa 'Alaaa Aale Saiey-yidinaa  Ibraaheema Innaka Hamee-dum Majeed. Allaa-humma Baarik 'Alaa Saiey-yidinaa Muhammadin  wa 'Alaaa Aale Saiey-yidinaa Muhammadin Kamaa Baarakta 'Alaaa Saiey-yidinaa Ibraaheema  wa 'Alaaa Aale Saiey-yidinaa Ibraaheema Innaka Hamee-dum Majeed.  

O' Allah! Send blessings on our master (Hadrat) Muhammad (peace be upon him) as You did  send on our master (Hadrat) Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) and the progeny of Ibraaheem(peace  be upon him). You are, indeed, Praised, Glorified. O1 Allah! Bless our master (Hadrat)  Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the progeny of Muhammad (peace be upon him) as You  did bless our master (Hadrat) Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) and his progeny. Undoubtedly,  You are Praised, Glorified.  


Allaa-humma Innee Zalamtu Nafsee Zulman Kaseeran wa Innahu Laa Yaghfiruz-Zunooba Illaa  Anta Faghfirlee Maghfiratam Min 'Indika Warhamnee Innaka Antal Ghafoorur Raheem.  O' Allah! I have oppressed my soul and undoubtedly there is no forgiver of sins but You alone.  O' Allah! Forgive me and have mercy on me. Undoubtedly, You are the Most Forgiving, the  Most Merciful.  

Or this one:  

Allaa-humma Rabbanaa Aatinaa Fid-Dunyaa Hasanah, wa Fil-Aakhirate Hasanah, wa Qinaa  'Azaaban-Naar.  

O' Allah! Our Sovereign Lord, grant us good in this world and the world hereafter and protect us.  from the torment of hell.  


Allaa-humma Innaa Nasta'eenuka wa Nastaghfiruka wa Nu'minu Bika wa Natawakkalu 'Alaieka  wa Nusnee 'Alaiekal Khaier. Wa Nashkuruka walaa Nakfuruka wa Nakhla'u wa Natruku Maien  Yafjuruk. Allaa-humma Ei-yaaka Na'budu wa Laka Nusallee wa Nasjudu wa Ilaieka Nas'aa wa  Nah-fidu wa Narjoo Rahmataka wa Nakhshaa 'Azaabaka Inna 'Azaabaka Bil-Kuffaare Mulhiq.  

O' Allah! We implore You for help and beg forgiveness of You and believe in You and rely on  You and extol You and we are thankful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we alienate  and forsake him who disobeys You. O' Allah! You alone do we worship and for You do we pray  and prostrate and we betake to please You and present ourselves for the service in Your cause  and we hope for Your mercy and fear Your chastisement. Undoubtedly, Your torment is going to  overtake infidels.  

Q 1: What should one recite in case he has not learnt Du'aa-e-Qunoot by heart?  A. He should recite "Allaa-humma Rabbanaa Aatinaa Fid-Dunyaa Hasanah, wa Fil-Aakherate  Hasanah, wa Qinaa 'Azaaban-Naar" until he commits Du'aa-e-Qunoot to his memory.  

Q 2: What is "standing-upright posture after performance of Rukoo" called?  A. Standing erect after performing Rukoo is called"Qaumah". 


Q 3: What is "sitting posture between two prostrations" called?  

  1. A pause while sitting between two prostrations is called "Jalsah".  

Q 4: What is "offering prayer jointly" called?  

  1. Prayer offered in congregation is called "Jamaa'at". He who leads the prayer is called  "Imaam" and those who follow Imaam in prayer are called "Muqtadi".  

Q 5: What is he called who offers prayer by himself?  

  1. He who does not say prayer in Jamaa'at but offers by himself is called "Munfarid".  

Q 6: How much reward does one get by saying prayer in Jamaa'at?  

  1. Prayer in Jamaa'at carries 27 times more reward than offering by oneself.  

Q 7: Which supplications (Du'aa) should be recited while entering and stepping out of mosque?  A. When one enters into mosque should put his right foot first and then the left and recite:  "Allaa-hummaf-tah Lee Abwaaba Rahmatik" (O' Allah! Open the gates of Your mercy for me),  and when he steps out he should take his left foot out first and then the right and recite: "Allaa humma Innee As-aluka Min Fadlik" (O' Allah! I beseech You for Your grace).  

Q 8: What should we do in mosque?  

  1. Having entered into mosque say "Salaam" to those present there. Offer prayer with Jamaa'at.  If there is no time of appointed prayer or you have offered prayer then busy yourself in recitation  of the Holy Qur-aan, remembrance of Allah, recitation of Kalimah or Durood Shareef. Do not  indulge in worldly talks as it is strictly forbidden in mosque. Do not walk,pass in front of those  who are offering prayer. Do not snap fingers.  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 15  


Q 1: What is the correct mode of offering prayer?  

  1. Having performed Wudu and put on pure and clean dress, one should stand upright at a clean  place orientating himself towards the Qiblah with his feet four toes apart. He should express  intention (in the heart as well as by the tongue) for whichever prayer he has to offer. He should  raise his hands upto the lobes of the ears in such a way that the palms face the Qiblah and that  the fingers remain in their normal condition (neither separated nor close together) and then bring  them down saying "Allaah-o-Akbar" and put them below his novel. The right hand should be  placed on the wrist of the left hand with the thumb and the little finger encircling the wrist and  the remaining three fingers resting on it. Now recite "Sanaa" (Subhaana Kal-Laahumma wa Bi Hamdeka wa Tabaarakasmuka wa Ta'aalaa Jadduka Walaaa Ilaaha Ghaie-ruk) followed by  "Ta'awuz" (A'oozu Billaahi Minash Shaietaa-nir Rajeem) and "Tasmiyah"( Bismil Laahir  Rahmaa-nir Raheem) and then recite "Surah Faateha" (say Ameen at the end of it in a low pitch)  followed by any Surah or three small verses. After this he should go into "Rukoo" saying  "Allaah-o-Akber" i.e. bow down placing hands on the knees with the fingers well-spread thereon  and grasp the knees. The back and the head should be straight in level and the eyes pinned on to  the toes.  

In this posture say "Subhaana Rabbi-yal Azeem" (Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most Great) at  least thrice and stand erect reciting "Tasmee'"(Sami 'Allaahu Liman Hamedah) and also say  "Tahmeed" (Allaa-humma Rabbanaa wa Lakal-Hamd or Rabbanaa Lakal Hamd) and then go  into "Sajdah" i.e. prostrate in such a manner that first the knees should be placed on the ground  then the hands and thereafter the nose and the forehead be placed firmly between both the hands.  The arms should be off the sides, the belly aloof from the thighs and the thighs apart from the  calves. All the toes of both the feet should be set firmly on the ground facing the Qiblah. Palms  should rest on the ground with the fingers pointing towards the Qiblah. In this position say  "Subhaana Rabbi-yal 'Alaa" (Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most High) three or five times. Then  he should rise reciting "Takbeer" and sit in "Jalsah" i.e. raise first his head then the hands and  then sit upright with his left foot under him and the right foot standing (resting on the insides of  the toes facing Qibla). He should put his palms on the thighs near the knees with fingers facing  the Qibla. Now he should perform second "Sajdah" reciting "Takbeer" on the style of the first  one. After having observed second Sajdah he should rise (stressing on his tiptoes and placing  hands on the knees) and stand erect. Do not place hand(s) on the ground for support except for  any disability. Now, he is in second Rak'ah. He should recite Tasmiyah, Surah Faateha followed  by any other Surah and then perform Rukoo and Sujood like that of the first Rak ah and observe  "Qa'adah" i.e. sit spreading the left foot under him and the right foot standing on the pattern of  "Jalsah" and recite "Tashah'hud" and when he reaches the word "Laa" raise the index finger of  the right hand (method:join the middle finger with the thumb to make a circle with the little and  ring fingers bent towards the palm) and lower it on uttering "Illal Laahu" and then let all the  fingers rest straight like that of the left hand, followed by Durood Shareef and Du'aa. And then  say "Salaam" i.e."As-Salaamu 'Alaiekum wa Rahmatul Laah"(peace be on you and Allah's  mercy) turning his face first towards the right side and then towards the left. Now two Rak'ahs'  prayer is over. 


Q 1: How to offer three or four Rak'ahs prayer?  

  1. If one is to offer more than two Rak'ahs then he should stand up from Qa'adah after having  recited Tashah'hud (Attahyaat) and offer the remaining Rak'ah(s) which he has to say. He should  recite only Surah Faateha in the remaining Rak'ah(s) of Fard prayer, but in case of Sunnat, Nafil  and Waajib, Surah Faateha has to be followed by any other Surah or three verses.  

Q 2: What is the difference between the prayer of Imaam and Muqtadi?  

  1. What mode of offering prayer has been delineated in this book is meant for Imaam as well as  male individual, but in Jamaa'at, Muqtadi has not to recite Surah Faateha and any other Surah or  verses and even not to recite Ta'awuz and Tasmiyah. He has only to recite Sanaa and then to be  quiet. While rising from Rukoo he should say "Allaa-humma Rabbanaa wa Lakal-Hamd or  Rabbanaa Lakal Hamd".  

Q 3: What about he who performs Sujood without firmly placing the insides of his toes on the  ground?  

  1. Placing the inside of at least one toe of each foot firmly on the ground while performing  Sajdah is Fard (obligatory) and placing the insides of three toes of each foot is Waajib  (essential). Prayer is invalid if one only touches his toes with the ground or keeps them off the  ground. Unfortunately most of us are not alive to such essentials of prayer.  

Q 4: Which Du'aa is made after Fard prayer?  

  1. After Fard prayer the following Du'aa is made:  

"Allaa-humma Antas-Salaamu wa-Minkas-Salaamu wa Ilaieka Yarji'us-Salaam. Tabaarakta  Rabbanaa wa Ta'aa-laieta Yaa Zal-Jalaale wal-Ikraam"  

(O' Allah! You are Peace and peace is from You and peace turns towards You. O' our Sovereign  Lord! You are the Most Blessed and the Most Sublime. O' possessor of all honour and awe).  



Volume - I / LESSON NO: 16  


  1. On getting up from sleep: "Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahil Lazee Ahyaanaa Ba'da Maaa Amaatanaa wa  Ilaie-hin Nushoor" (All praise is due to Allah Who has given us life [made us wake up] after  death [sleep] and every one has to return to Him).  
  2. Before taking meal:"Bismil Laa Hir-Rahmaanir Raheem. Allaa-hummaa Baarik Lanaa Feehi  wa Abdilnaa Khaieram Minh" (Allah, in whose name I begin, the Most Affectionate, the Most  Merciful. O1 Allah! Give us blessing in it and feed us better than it.  
  3. After finishing meal: "Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahil Lazee At'amanaa wa Saqaanaa wa Ja'alana Minal  Muslemeen" (All praise is due to Allah Who has blessed us with food and drink and made us  Muslim).  
  4. On putting on new dress: "Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahil Lazee Kasaanee Haazaa wa Razaqaneehi Min  Ghaiere Haulim Minnee wa Laa Quwwah"(All praise is due to Allah Who has clothed us and  blessed us despite our helplessness).  
  5. On looking into mirror: "Allaa-humma Baie-yid Wajhee Yauma Tabyaddu Wujoohoon wa  Taswaddu Wujooh" (O' Allah! grace my face with light on the day [Doomsday] when some faces  will be full of light and some dark).  
  6. On applying antimony (collyrium) to eyes: "Allaa-humma Mat-ti'nee Bis-Sam'i wal Basar" (O'  Allah! bless my hearing and sight faculties).  
  7. Repeat Kalimah Tay-yib or Kalimah Shahaadat after every prayer, it will earn you a great  reward.  
  8. If you like or love any thing of your own or of your Muslim brother say "Tabaarakal Laahu  Ahsanul Khaaleqeen. Allaa-humma Baarik Lahu Feehi wa Laa Tadurrah" (O' Allah! bless him in  it so that it may not harm him), or say "May Allah bless you" it will save him from evil eye.  
  9. Recite this Du'aa on seeing a thing which you dislike or consider "bad omen":"Allaa-humma  Laa Ya'til-Hasanaati Illaa Anta wa Laa Yadfa'us Saie-ati Illaa Anta wa Laa Haula wa Laa  Quwwata Illaa Bil-Laah" (O' Allah! there is none except You Who could give us good and there  is none but You Who could save us from evil and there is no might and power but in Allah).  
  10. Recite this Du'aa when you see one in affliction or ill: "Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahil Lazee  'Aafaanee Mimmabtalaaka Bihee wa Faddalanee 'Alaa Kaseerim Mimman Khalaqa Tafdeelaa"  (All praise is due to Allah Who has saved me from the affliction which you are faced with and  favoured me over many of His creatures).  




Volume - II / CHAPTER - I / LESSON NO: 1  


Q 1: On how many things does Islaam base?  

  1. Islaam is based on five things:  
  2. To testify that there is no true deity except Allah and that Hadrat Muhammad(may Allah's  choicest blessings & peace be upon him) is His chosen servant and true Messenger.  2. To establish/offer prayer five times a day.  
  3. To pay poor due.  
  4. To perform Hajj.  
  5. To observe fasts in the holy month of Ramadan.  

Q 2: What are the testifying words of Islaam?  

  1. "Ashhadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhoo wa Rasooluh.  (I bear witness that there is no true god save Allah and I bear witness that  (Hadrat)Muhammad[peace be upon him] is the chosen servant and (true) Messenger of Allah).  

Q3: Is it enough to say Kalimah-e-Shahaadat by the tongue only to be a Muslim?  A. Mere expression of Kalimah-e-Shahaadat is not enough to become Muslim but to testify and  confirm it and all other essentials of Islaam with all heart is the prerequisite to be a Muslim. He  must also believe in the fact that Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true in all his words  and deeds. His no action and word should smack of any insolence or blasphemy against Allah  Almighty and the Holy Prophet.  

Q 4: How a dumb man should express his embracing of Islaam?  

  1. Since a dumb can not speak, he should communicate by gesture that there is none worthy of  worship except Allah and Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His chosen servant and true  Messenger and that Islaam, through and through, is the truth.  

Q 5: What are the prerequisites of Islaam without believing therein one can not be a Muslim?  A. The prerequisites of Islaam are well-known like belief in "Tauheed"(Oneness of  Allah),Prophethood of all (true) Prophets, Paradise, hell, Doomsday, resurrection of dead etc.  and to firmly believe in Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the Last Prophet and that  there will be no Prophet after him.  

Q 6: Is he Muslim or not who claims to be a Muslim but denies any of the essentials of Islaam?  A. No, such a person who claims to be a Muslim but denies any of the essentials of Islaam or has  beliefs unlike the beliefs of Islaam is neither Muslim nor he belongs to Muslim community.  

Q 7: What is "Nifaaq" (hypocrisy)?  

  1. To claim to be a Muslim by the tongue but to deny Islaam at heart is "Nifaaq". It is stark  infidelity. Such people will be consigned to the worst torment in hell. 


Q 8: Can anyone be called "Munaafiq"(hypocrite) in the present time?  

  1. We can not identity or say anybody "Munaafiq" with certainty. However, a sort of "Nifaaq" is  found in the present age that some disbelieving and misguided people claim to be Muslim but  deny the essential (s) of Islaam.