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Q 1: What is Iqaamah?  

  1. Making call for the commencement of prayer in which the words of Azaan are repeated  causing the believers to stand in rows behind the Imaam, is called Iqaamah or Takbeer.  

Q 2: What is the difference between Azaan and Iqaamah?  

  1. The difference between Azaan and Iqaamah is that while making Azaan one stands on a high  or a elevated place outside the precinct of mosque and puts his index fingers into the ears while  Iqaamah is made in mosque in the first row behind (right-side or left-side of) the Imaam without  putting forefingers into the ears. Besides, in Iqaamah "Qad Qaamatis Salaah, Qad Qaamatis  Salaah" (prayer is ready to stand/establish, prayer is ready to stand/ establish) is recited after  "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah".  

Q 3: How to respond to Iqaamah?  

  1. Iqaamah should be responded like that of Azaan. However in response to "Qad Qaamatis  Salaah" these words should be uttered: "Aqaamahal Laahu Ta'aalaa wa Adaamahaa  Maadaamatis-Samaawaatu wal-Ard" (O' Allah keep it intact for ever till the sky and earth are in  existence).  

Q 4: Should Iqaamah (Takbeer) be listened-to in sitting posture or standing position?  A. Imaam and Muqtadi should stand hearing "Haie-ya 'Alal Falaah". It is an undesirable act to  listen to Iqaamah standing.  

Q 5: What is he called who makes Iqaamah?  

  1. He who utters Iqaamah is called "Mukabbir".  

Q 6: Who should call Iqaamah?  

  1. The first right of uttering Iqaamah is of Mu'azzin who has made Azaan. However, any other  person can also make Iqaamah with his permission or in his absence.