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The gist of Islamic beliefs


  1. Allah is the One indeed. He has absolutely no partner. He alone is worthy of being  worshipped. He is all Independent and depends on none. All the worlds and creatures are  subservient to Him.  
  2. We believe in all Apostles, Messengers and Prophets whom Allah Almighty sent for the  guidance of humanity. It is obligatory upon every believer to respect and revere all Messengers  and consider them as Allah's "loved ones". Our kind lord and master Hadrat Muhammad ( may  the choicest blessings & peace of Allah be upon him) is the leader and highest of all the  Apostles, Messengers and Prophets.  
  3. Allah Almighty has revealed books to some Messengers which are "Kalaam Allah"(speech of  Allah). Belief in all the revealed books and in their contents is essential. Of all the revealed  books, the Glorious Qur-aan which was gifted to the Beloved Prophet (Hadrat) Muhammad is  the best and Allah Almighty Himself has taken up the responsibility of its protection.  
  4. Angels are "Noori"(ethereal, luminous) creature of Allah. They are neither male nor female.  They are innocent and obedient servants of Allah. They do what Allah commands them. They  subsist on worship and remembrance of Allah.  
  5. Genies have been created of fire. They live and die like humanbeings. There are believers,  disbelievers, good and bad in them. Disbelieving and mischievous genies are called devils.  
  6. One day everything (angels, mountains, animals, the earth, the sky) will perish like  humanbeings. There will remain nothing in existence but Allah alone. Then all things will be re created and dead ones resurrected from their graves. All will be made to gather in a particular  field that is called "Hashar" (resurrection). The Balance will be installed and doings of all will be  weighed therein. Everyone will get the nemesis of his/her misdeeds and sins and reward of  virtuous acts. Believers will be entered into paradise and infidels and disbelievers will be cast  into Hell.  
  7. The Hell has a bridge over it which leads to heavens. It is called "Siraat"(straight pathway). It  is thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword. All people will have to cross this "Siraat". It is  the only pathway to reach heavens.  
  8. What had to happen in the world and what one had to do Allah Almighty wrote all that with  His eternally infinite knowledge. And whatever has been decreed will certainly happen sans the  slightest change. This is called "Taqdeer" (predestination).