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Q 1: When does Zakaat become due on gold and silver?  

  1. Zakaat becomes due on gold and silver when they reach the standard of Nisaab. Nisaab of  gold is: twenty "Misqaal" (a Misqaal's weight is equivalent to four and half mashes) i.e. 7 1/2  "Tolas" (a Tola's weight is twelve mashes) and silver's Nisaab is: two hundred "Dirham" (small  silver coin) i.e. 52 1/2 Tolas.  

Q 2: What is the Nisaab of gold and silver under decimal system?  

  1. The Nisaab of gold and silver under decimal system as per official details is 87.479 grams of  gold and 607.350 grams of silver.  

Q 3: Will the weight of gold and silver be counted for calculation of Zakaat on them or the price?  A. Weight of gold and silver is countable not price to calculate Zakaat thereon. If the weight of  gold and silver is not according to Nisaab, regardless of price, Zakaat will not be due. For  example, if a jewellery or a vessel,utencil is made of seven Tolas of gold or less than it but its  price reaches the price of 7 1/2 Tolas of gold or more than it because of its crafting, Zakaat will  not be due on it, for its weight does not reach the standard of Nisaab. As against this, if a  jewellery or vessel,utencil is made of 7 1/2 Tolas of alloyed gold but its price does not reach the  value of 7 1/2 Tolas of gold, Zakaat will be due on it as the weight is complete as per the  standard of Nisaab.  

Q 4: What is the method of paying Zakaat of gold from silver if one wants to?  A. The above expounding that price is not countable to calculate Zakaat applies to the case when  Zakaat of gold or silver is paid from the same genre of metal. But in case, Zakaat of gold is paid  from silver or of silver from gold then the price thereof will be countable. For instance, a thing of  silver which carries the price of one "Ashrafi" (worth 16 rupees) is given in Zakaat for gold but  in weight it is less than even of 15 rupees, the price of the thing i.e. one Ashrafi will be countable  not weight.  

Q 5: At which rate should Zakaat of gold and silver be calculated?  

  1. Zakaat of gold and silver is one-fortieth if are equal to Nisaab i.e. to assess the price of them  and then pay 2 1/2 per cent of the total value of gold and silver as Zakaat. It is optional to either  give gold and silver in Zakaat or gold-made and silver-made thing or their price in currency.  Zakaat is due on all gold and silver-made things irrespective of permissible items like jewellery  for woman and a silver ring, one gem-studded, of less than 4 1/2 mashes for man and forbidden  items such as gold or silver-made vessels,utencils or antimony container and staining needle  which are unlawful for all regardless of man and woman.  

Q 6: How to calculate Zakaat on alloyed gold and silver?  

  1. If alloy is mixed with gold or silver or gold and silver contain alloy less than or equal to the  actual quantity/weight of the precious metal, Zakaat will be due on the whole not on the pure  gold and silver and in case more alloy is mixed with gold and silver than the actual  quantity/weight of the precious metal but if separated they reach the standard of Nissab, if not,  the value of other assets and the separated gold and silver reach the standard of Nisaab the  Zakaat will be due. 


Q 7: Is it sinful or not if one who has meagre income does not pay Zakaat but instead saves for  his family's needs?  

  1. No doubt, misfortune may strike any time and needs of life also keep haunting man. But  Shari'ah has already taken befitting care of the necessities of life. Zakaat is due on the assets  saved and remained in possession for full one year after having met all necessities of one's  family at the rate of one-fortieth. This injunction of Shari'ah is meat to protect Muslims from the  torment of the hereafter and to bless their assets in this world so that they may further prosper. It  is a crass folly to think that payment of Zakaat decreases the assets. Allah Almighty says that  payment of Zakaat grows assets. So what He increases can never decrease. One's apprehension  that if 2 1/2 rupees out of one hundred are paid as Zakaat then how the necessities of children,  family will be met is nothing but devilish prompting.  

Q 8: Who should pay Zakaat on the jewellery a woman brought in dowry. Woman or her  husband?  

  1. The jewellery brought by a woman in dowry, in fact, belongs to her i.e. she is owner of that.  Its Zakaat is not due on her husband even though he is affluent. He will not be sinner on non payment of Zakaat on his wife's property. So is the case with the jewellery he gave as gift to his  wife with the right of ownership. If he gave her for only use then he will have to pay Zakaat  thereon provided it is equal to the standard of Nisaab either itself or with the inclusion of other  assets. And these assets should also be more than essential needs.  

Q 9: Is Zakaat due or not on gems and jewels?  

  1. Zakaat is not due on gems and jewels which are not meant for business. However, the owner  of such previous stones can not take Zakaat if their value reaches the standard of Nisaab.  

Q10: What about bank and post-office deposits and prize bonds?  

  1. Zakaat is due on money wherever it is deposited even deposited with somebody as trust  provided it is equal to the standard of Nisaab. Prize bonds are also like currency. Hence, Zakaat  is due on them provided they are in vogue i.e. have not lost their utility value.  

Q11: A person is in debt and his wife is in possession of jewellery or cash equal to Nisaab. Is  Zakaat due on woman in such case?  

  1. How very close a couple may be in temporal affairs but in respect of Islamic injunctions they  are separate entity. If a woman is in possession of jewellery or cash equal to the standard of  Nisaab and is not in debt but her husband is, then Zakaat is due on her. Likewise, she will have  to pay Zakaat on other assets every year if are in her possession.  

Q12: How should a widow who is in possession of jewellery equal to Nisaab pay Zakaat?  A. A widow who has no source of income should pay Zakaat from the money in hand. If not then  sell the jewellery and pay Zakaat therefrom. Jewellery is not one of "Haajaat-e-Asleeyah"  (essential needs). She should not feel uneasy at paying Zakaat, for; non-payment of Zakaat is, in  fact, a trouble. It brings about misfortune and distresses. Payment of Zakaat grows assets and  Allah Almighty grants graces. This is the promise of Allah in the Holy Quran. Allah is the  Truthful and His promise is true too.  

Q13: Is Zakaat due on the jewellery given to minor children as gift?  

  1. There is no Zakaat due on the jewellery given to minor children as "Hibah" (gift, present)  because the giver is no more owner of the jewellery and the recipient(s) is/are not adult. 


Q14: A husband wants to pay "Maiher" (dower) money to his wife in parts.instalments thereby to  enable her to pay Zakaat. Can he do so?  

  1. If a husband wants to give some money to his wife on the close of her Zakaat year with the  condition that the said amount will be adjusted towards "Maihar" money he owes her, can do so.  It is permissible to give and take in such way and both the husband and wife will earn reward  thereof.  

Q15: Is Zakaat due or not on gold and silver which are less than Nisaab?  

  1. If one is in possession of gold and silver but neither of them is equal to the standard of  Nisaab, in such case he should assess the value either of gold or of silver and total with the value  of the other. If it reaches the Nisaab, pay Zakaat otherwise not. However, the price of the  precious metal should be assessed in such a way that it benefits the beggar,poor more.  

Q16: Is Zakaat due or not on currency notes and coins of other metals than gold and silver?  A. If the coins of other metals, which are nowadays in vogue in every country, are to the value of  200 Dirhams i.e. 52 1/2 Tolas of silver then Zakaat is due on them even if they are not meant for  business and in case the coins are no more in vogue, Zakaat is not due unless meant for business.  Likewise, Zakaat is due on notes till such time they are in vogue because it is also a form of  money and are used for business all the over the world.  

Q17: Which rate is reliable to pay Zakaat of jewellery?  

  1. If gold is given for gold in Zakaat and silver for silver g then there is no need of obtaining  market rate, for, one-fortieth of them will be paid as Zakaat but in case, one wants to give silver  for gold or gold for silver or to pay price of the due quantity of gold or silver, in such case he  will have to refer to rates. The rates of gold and silver will be reliable neither of the time when  the jewellery was made nor of that when Zakaat is paid but instead the rates of that time will be  reliable when one's Zakaat year closes i.e. full one year has elapsed from the date and month of  the lunar year he became solvent. The price of the precious metals will be determined thus and 2  1/2 percent of the total value will be paid as Zakaat. This method is easy and more beneficial to  the beggar, poor.  

Q18: Is Zakaat due on the houses which are more than one's needs?  

  1. There is no Zakaat due on houses even if those may be of millions of rupees. Similarly, there  is no Zakaat of the industrial machines. However, Zakaat is due on the savings of houses' rent  and industrial production on the completion of Zakaat year if it reaches Nisaab itself or with the  inclusion of other assets. There is also no Zakaat due on utencils,pots and other domestic items  even though they may be of hundreds of thousands of rupees.  

Zakaat is due on three things only i.e. (1). Gold and silver. Whether those are meant for use,  adornment or business or saving, (2). Animals left to graze in grazing field and (3). Merchandise.  

Q19: What injunction is there for the one who fell sick without paying Zakaat?  A. If one who owes Zakaat fell sick without paying it, should pay keeping it secret from his  legitimate heirs. In case, he has no money and wants to fulfill the religious obligation then he  should borrow money for the purpose provided that he could repay it i.e. he is sure of his  recovery from the sickness otherwise not, for, "Haqqul 'Abd) (right of humanbeing) is severer  than that of "Haqqul Laah" (right of Allah).