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Q 1: Which is the foremost pillar of Islaam?  

  1. You have already learnt about the pillars of Islaam in the previous chapter. After having  embraced Islaam and corrected one's beliefs consistent with the true Ahle Sunnat creed the  foremost duty which is imposed upon the believers is Salaat (prayer). The importance of Salaat  can be gauged from the fact that all commands of Allah were delivered to the Holy Prophet on  the earth but Salaat was gifted to him on the night of ascension(Meraj).  

Q 2: What is Salaat(prayer)?  

  1. A specified and pure Islaamic way of worship which Allah Almighty taught to the Holy  Prophet who in turn taught to his Ummah (community) is Salaat (prayer). By offering prayer  Muslims prove their humblest obedience and obeisance to Allah Almighty and submit to His  Highest Magnificence and Grandeur. The praying believer is dear to Allah provided he offers  prayer heart and soul.  

Q 3: What things are essential for prayer?  

  1. Somethings are "Sharaait" (conditions) for offering prayer and some are "Faraaid" (obligatory  prerequisites) during performance of prayer. Prayer will not be valid unless these conditions and  prerequisites are met.  

Q 4: How many kinds of "conditional things" are there for prayer?  

  1. There are two kinds of conditional things for prayer i.e. (1). About prayer's becoming Waajib  (essential) for one to offer (2)Soundness of prayer i.e. how will the prayer be valid.  

Q 5: What are the conditions of prayer's being "Waajib"?  

  1. There are four conditions for prayer's being "Waajib" i.e. one must be Muslim, sane, mature  and the time of prayer has arrived. Thus the prayer is equally incumbent upon every sane and  matured Muslim irrespective of man and woman, poor and rich, ruler and ruled and master and  slave.  

Q 6: What are the conditions for soundness of prayer i.e. how will the prayer be valid?  A. There are six conditions for prayer to be valid or in order:  

  1. "Tahaarah"(purification of the body).  
  2. Covering of the body (at least)from the navel to the knees.  
  3. Facing the Qiblah (Ka'bah).  
  4. Observance of due time.  
  5. Expression of "Ni-yat" (intention).  
  6. Takbir-e-Tahreema (utterance of words - "Allah is the Most Great" to commence the prayer.