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Q1. Is there any particular quantity of Qiraa-at for any prayer?

  1. Qiraa-at (recitation from the Holy Qur-aan) of a small verse comprising two or more words fulfills"Fard"(obligatoryact)ofprayerandrecitationofSurahFatehafollowedbyasmallSurah (Qur-aanic chapter) or three small verses or oneor twoverse(s)whichis/areequaltothreesmall verses in length fulfills "Waajib" (essential act). No more Qiraa-at than this is essential in any prayer whether it is "Fard" or "Nafl" but is "Masnoon"(commendable act).


Q2.How much Qiraa-atis Masnoon in obligatory prayers?

  1. Recitation of "Surah Burooj" (Zodiacal signs) or the likes in "Fajr" and "Zuhr" prayers, smaller than these in "Asr" and '"Ishaa" and small Surah of "Qisaar-e-Mufassal" in "Maghrib" prayerisSunnatduringjourneythereispeaceandoneisinnohurry.Incaseofstay,recitationof "Tiwaal-e-Mufassal" in "Fajr" and "Zuhr", "Ausaat-e-Mufassal" in "Asr" and '"Ishaa" and "Qisaar-e-Mufassal" in "Maghrib" prayer is Sunnat provided the time is not running out. These injunctions are applicable to Imaam and an individual as well.


Q3.What are"Tiwaal-e-Mufassal", "Ausaat-e-Mufassal"and "Qisaar-e-Mufassal"?

  1. Qur-aanic chapters from Surah Hujuraat (the appartment) [part-26] to the last are called "Mufassil" which consists of three portions i.e. Tiwaal-e-Mufassal (from Surah Hujuraat toSurah Burooj), Ausaat-e-Mufassal (from Surah Burooj to Lam Yakunil (Surah Bayinah) and "Qisaar-e-Mufassal" (from Surah Bayinah to the last Surah Naas).


Q4.Whatinjunctionisthereaboutleaving"Qiraa-atMasnoonah"duetoanypressing need?

  1. One may give up "Qiraa-at Masnoonah" in worry like the prescribed time of prayer is running out or there is fear of enemy or thief etc. and make recitation from the Holy Qur-aan aswarranted by the situation irrespective of journey and stay and even leave "Waajibaat" (essential acts). For instance, Fajr time is running out and there is so short time left that he can not recite many verses but only one in each Rakah then he should immediately do it. However, the prayer should be repeated after the Sun has fully risen. Or he has begun Sunnat prayer of Fajr and now he apprehends to miss Jama'at then he should observe only "Waajibaat" and give up "Sana" and "Ta'awuz" and recite "Tasbih" only once in Rukoo and Sujood.


Q5.CanQiraa-atMasnoonahbeprolongedor not?

  1. Qiraa-at Masnoonah can be prolonged provided that it does not cause inconvenience to "Muqtadis" (followers) otherwise not. A Hadees in this context says: the one who leads prayer mustcareabouthis"Muqtadis"whichincludethesick,theweakandtheaged(i.e.nottoprolong Qiraa-at but be brief) and may prolong Qiraa-at when he offers his individual prayer.


Q6.ShouldQiraa-atbeequalin everyRakahorlessandmore?

  1. Prolongation of Qiraa-at in the first Rakah of Fajr prayer in comparison to the second Rakahis "Masnoon" and its quantity is fixed as two-third in first Rakah and one-third in second Rakah. It is better to do more Qiraa-at in the first Rakah of other prayers including Jumu'ah and Eid prayers than the second Rakah and in Sunnat and Nafl prayers equal Surahs be recited in both Rakahs.

Q7. Whatabout moreQiraa-at insecondRakahthanthefirstRakah?

  1. It is "Makrooh" to prolong Qiraa-at in second Rakah compared to the first Rakah when the verses of both Surahs are equal in number and that the prolongation of Qiraa-at is by threeverses. And ifthe verses ofSurahs are small andlarge then total number ofthe verses will not be countable but letters and words. It is odious if there is much disparity between the words and letters of the two Surahs though the verses are equal in number, otherwise not. For example, it is odious if "Alam Nashrah" (Surah Al-Inshirah) is recited in the first Rakah and "Lam Yakunil" (Surah Bayinah) in second Rakah though both the Surahs consist of eight verses respectively.


Q8. Whatabout determinationof anyparticularSurahforanyprayerforever?

  1. Determination of Surahs that such and such Surah has to be necessarily recited in so and so prayer is "Makrooh". However, those Surahs whose recitation in prayers is proved by"Ahaadees" should be recited occasionally but not regularly to earn blessings so that others may not get an impression of its being "Waajib".


Q9.WhatisQiraa-atMasnoonahinSunnatsofFajrprayerand Witr?

  1. The Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) generally recited "Surah Kaafiroon" in the first Rakah of Sunnat of Fajr prayer and "Surah Ikhlaas" in second Rakah and in Witr "Surah 'Alaa" or "Surah Qadr" in the first Rakah, "Surah Kaafiroon" in second and "Surah Ikhlaas" in third Rakah. Similarly, recitation of "Surah 'Alaa" in the first Rakah of Jumu'ah and Eid prayers and "Surah Ghaashiyah" in second Rakah is Sunnat. However, this all is exempt from the rule expounded above.


Q10.What aboutanti-serial-wise recitationoftheHolyQur-aan?

  1. Anti-serial-wise recitation of Qur-aanic Surahs like one recites Surah "Kaafiroon" in the first Rakah and "Alam Tara Kaiefa" (Surah Feil) in second Rakah is "Makrooh". However, if he started reciting any prior Surah in second Rakah forgetfully and afterwards he realised his mistake, then he should complete the Surah even though he recited only a word from it.

Q11.What aboutrepeating only oneSurah in prayer?

  1. Repetition of one Surah in both Rakahs of prayer is "Makrooh Tanzihi" if there is no disability, helplessness otherwise it is not undesirable. For instance, one started reciting the same Surah in second Rakah by mistake which he had recited in the first Rakah or he could not recall any other Surah or he recited the last Surah i.e. "Naas" in the first Rakah. In such situation he should recite the same Surah in second Rakah too.

However, in Nafl prayer repetition of one Surah in both Rakahs or repetition of the same Surahin one Rakah is lawful without any undesirability.


Q12.What aboutdropping Surahfrom in-between?

  1. Skipping from any Surah (recited in the first Rakah) to another (for reciting in second Rakah) dropping a small Surah in-between is "Makrooh". However, it is not undesirable if the dropped Surah is larger than the Surah recited in the first Rakah like Surah "Qadr" can be recited after Surah "Teen" as Surah "Ikhlaas" must be recited after Surah "Nasr".


Q13.What arethe excellencesof therecitationofGlorious Qur-aan?

A.Therearemyriadofexcellencesofreciting andteachingtheGloriousQur-aan.Briefly,itmay be understood that it is "Kalaam Allah" (Speech, word of Allah) and Islaamic faith and its commandsarefoundedonit.Itsrecitationandreflection,meditationandresearchinitleadsman

to Allah Almighty. This Holy Book is not only a peerless agglomeration of all knowledge and sciences but its each and every word and letter is also a source of Divine blessings and favours.


The Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) said to this effect:

  1. RecitetheHolyQur-aanbecauseitwillintercedefor its reciterson the
  2. Therecitation of a letteroftheQur-aanearnsreciterten
  3. Allah Almighty says I bless him with more excellent things who is so occupied with the recitation of Holy Qur-aan and remembering of Me as to spare no time to implore Me for anything than those who ask.
  4. The house in which the Qur-aan is recited is sobright for the inmates of the heavens as are the stars for dwellers of the world.
  5. Illuminateyour houses with"Salaat"(prayer) and Qur-
  6. Therecitation ofthe HolyQur-aanisthe bestworship doneby my
  7. Thebest among you is he wholearnt and taught the Holy Qur-


Q14:Whichimportant pointsshouldone keepin mindwhilereciting theHoly Qur-aan?

  1. The chief objective of reciting the Holy Qur-aan is to read/recite it by considering and understanding its meaning. This illumines the heart. While reciting the verses regarding "Amr-o- Nahi" (commands and prohibitions) one should resolve in the heart to follow the "commands" and beg forgiveness for the sins and faults he committed in the past. On reciting the verse about "mercy" he should express his delight and seek Allah's mercy and on the verse relating to "torment" he should be afraid and seek refuge with Allah. One should read/recite the Holy Qur- aan with all his heart so that he feels moved and tears come from his eyes.


Tolaugh,trifleorlooktoanyfunoranyindecentthingduringtherecitationoftheHolyQur-aan or to break its recitation for speaking to anyone is "Makrooh". It is also forbidden to adopt the Holy Qur-aan as a source of income or profession.

Q15:IsitlawfulornottoreciteHolyQur-aaninwalkingandlying position?

  1. The Holy Qur-aan can be recited (from memory not looking to the text) in lying posture provided the feet are shrivelled (not stretched) and the face is also not covered. Likewise, it can alsoberecitedinwalkingandworkingpositionwiththeconditionthattheheart(attention)isnot distracted otherwise it is "Makrooh".