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The one who will recite "Istighfaar" i.e. "Astaghfirul Laa-hallazee Laaa Ilaaha Ilia Huwal Haie- yulQaie-yoomuwaAtoobuIlaieh"aftereveryprayerthreetimes,AyatulKursiandthree"Qul"

i.e. Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas once and "Subhaan Allah" 33 times, "Al-Hamdu Lillaah" 33 times and "Allahu Akbar" 33 times and in the end "Laa Ilaaha Illal-Laahu Wahda- hoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Lahulmulkoo walahul Hamdu wa Huwa 'Alaa Kulli Shaien Qadeer" Allah Almighty will forgive him his sins though those may be equal to the foam of a sea. Andput the right hand on the (front portion of the) head and bring it to the forehead reciting "Bismillaa Hillazee Laaa Ilaaha Ilia Huwar Rahmaa-nur Raheem. Allaa Hummaz Hab 'Annil Hamma wal Huzn". It will protect him from every care and anxiety.