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Bid'dah Hasana

Ameer ul-Mu’mineen ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab رضي الله عنه said; 
“(What a) Fine Innovation (Bid’ah Hasana)!” and in some narrations a (letter) ‘Taa’ is added. 
The root meaning of Innovation (Bid’ah) is what is produced without precedent. 
It is applied in the law in opposition to the Sunnah and is, in that case, blameworthy. 
Strictly speaking, if it is part of what is classified as commendable by the law then it is an Excellent Innovation (Hasana), while if it is part of what is classified as blameworthy by the law then it is Blameworthy (Mustaqbaha), otherwise it falls in the category of what is Permitted (Mubaah). 
It can be divided into the five legal categories (or rulings - Ahkaam Al-Khamsah).
[Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ash-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله in Fath al-Bari]
Narrated from Ibrahim al-Junayd رحمه الله said; 
“I heard Ash-Shafi’i saying; 
‘Innovation is of two types; 
Praiseworthy Innovation and Blameworthy Innovation, and anything that disagrees with the Sunnah is Blameworthy.’”
[Shaykh Abu Na’eem ash-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله in Hilyatul Awliya]
“Anything that did not exist during the Prophet’s ﷺ time is called Innovation, but some are Good (Bid’ah Hasana) while others are not (Bid’ah Say’iah).”
[Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani ash-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله in Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari]
In Sharh Sahih Muslim, Imam Al-Nawawi رحمه الله explains Prophet Muhammad ﷺ statement, 
“Every Innovation (Bid’ah) is misguidance” :
The statement of Prophet ﷺ, 
“Every Innovation is misguidance,” is general and subject to qualification (‘amm makhsus), i.e., [it means] “the majority of the Innovations.” 
The linguists have said it is everything that is practised without precedent. 
The scholars have divided it into five categories :
1. Compulsory (Wajiba)
2. Recommended (Manduba)
3. Forbidden (Muharrama) 
4. Disliked (Makruha) 
5. Permissible (Mubaha). 
An example of the Compulsory Innovation (Bid’ah Wajiba) is formulating dialectical evidences to refute heretics, Innovators and the likes thereof. 
An example of the Recommended Innovation (Bid’ah Manduba) is writing books and constructing schools and hostels etc. 
An example of the Permissible Innovation (Bid’ah mubaha) is preparing a variety of food and other such things. And the example of the Forbidden Innovation (Bid’ah Muharrama) and the Disliked Innovation (Bid’ah Makruha) are self evident. 
I have elaborated on this matter extensively with evidences in Tahdhib al-Asma’ wa al-Lughat. 
If what I have mentioned is understood, then it should be known that the aforementioned Hadith and other traditions like it are general and subject to qualification (‘amm makhsus). 
The statement of Umar رضي الله عنه concerning the Tarawih prayer, 
“What an Excellent Innovation this is,” supports what I have said. 
The Hadith, 
“Every Innovation,” is emphasised by the word, “every”, but this does not rule out that it is general and subject to qualification (‘amm makhsus); rather a part of it can be specified from the general in spite of it. 
It is like Allah’s statement :
“(That) will destroy everything.” - Qur’an 46:25
[Imam Al-Nawawi ash-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله in Sharh Sahih al-Muslim]
Imam Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله said,
“Innovations are of two types: that which contradicts the Qur’an, the Sunnah, or unanimous agreement of the Muslims is an Innovation of deception, while a Good Innovation does not contradict any of these things.”
[Imam Al-Bayhaqi ash-Shafi’i al-Ash’ari رحمه الله in Manaqib Ash-Shafi’i]