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  1. On visiting market, recite this Du'aa: "Allaa Humma Innee As-aluka Khaira Haazassooqi wa  Khaira Maa Feehaa wa A'oozu Bika Min Sharrihaa wa Sharrimaa Feehaa". He who does not  have this supplication in his memory may recite "Fourth Kalimah" i.e. "Tauheed"(The Oneness  of Allah), he will be protected against evil.  
  2. On eating meal at someone's home, recite this: "Allaa Humma Baarik Lahum Feemaa  Razaqtahum Waghfir-lahum War-hamhum"  
  3. On visiting/inquiring after the sick, place one's right hand on his forehead and recite: "Laa basa Tahoorun Inshaa-Allahu Ta'aalaa".  
  4. On sighting worship places of unbelievers or hearing the sound of their conch-shell, horn or  bell recite: "Ash-hadu Allaaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu Laa Na'budu walaa  Nasta-'eenu Illaa Ei-yaahu".  
  5. When having seat on a conveyance,mount recite this: "Subhaanal Lazee Sakh-khara Lanaa  Haazaa wama Kunnaa Lahu Muqrei-neena wa Innaaa Ilaa Rabbinaa La-munqaleiboon".  6. When one sees somebody afflicted with adversity recite this Du'aa: "Al-Hamdu Lil-Laahil Lazee 'Aafaanee Mimma-Nibtalaaka Bihee wa Faddalanee 'Alaa Kaseerin Mimman Khalaqa  Tafdeelaa".  
  6. When boarding a boat or ship recite this: "Bismil Laahi Majree-haa wa Mursaa-haa Inna  Rabbee La-Ghafoorur Raheem".  
  7. On reaching one's destination recite this Du'aa: "Allaa-humma Anzilnee Munzalan Mubaa rakaoon wa Anta Khairul Munzileen".  
  8. When the locality one wants to stay in comes into sight recite: "Allaa-humma Innaa Nas-aluka  Khaira Haazi-hil- Qaryati wa Khairi Ahli-haa wa Khaira Maa Feehaa wa Na'oozu Bika Min  Sharri Haazi-hil-Qaryati wa Sharri Ahli-haa wa Sharri Maa Feehaa".