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Q1:Whatis "Niyah"?

  1. "Niyah" means to have firm intention to offer prayer. Mere intention will not serve the purpose unless one resolves and forms "Niyah" in the heart.


Q2: What aboutthe expression of"Niyah" by the tongue?

A.ItisMustahab(commendable)toexpress"Niyah"bythetongue(inwhateverlanguageitmay be) but if one has the intention of Zuhr prayer at heart and inadvertently utters "Asr prayer" then it will be Zuhr prayer not 'Asr.


Q3:Whatthingsareessentialfor "Niyah"?

  1. One should form "Niyah" in the heart for whichever prayer he is about to offer. For example:I make Niyah to offer four Rakahs' Fard (obligatory) prayer of Zuhr or Asr. In case of congregation(Jama'at)alsosayundertheleadershipof(following)thisImaam(leaderofprayer). Similarly, one should offer missed prayers (if owes) saying: I intend to offer such and such missed prayer of so and so day.


Q4: How to make NiyahofNafil and Sunnat prayer?

  1. In Nafil and Sunnat prayer it is enough to say: Iintend to offer prayer. However, it is better to speak the word of "Sunnat" for Sunnat prayer.



  1. Example: I intendtooffer two Rakahs'obligatory prayer of Fajrof today for the sake of Allah Almighty and I am facing the Qiblah Shareef. Then he should recite Takbeer-e-Tahreema and fold his hands below the navel. In case of Jama'at, he should also say "following (behind) this Imaam".

Q6: How tointend for Sunnat prayer?

  1. If one has to offer four Sunnats of Zuhr, should say: I intend to offer four Rakahs1 Sunnat prayer of Zuhr for the sake of Allah, Sunnats for the Holy Prophet and I am facing Ka'bah Shareef or Qiblah Shareef.



  1. In Wajib prayer one should make Niyah for Wajib and also say (for example) prayer of Eid- ul-Fitr Wajib or Eid-ul-Azha (Adha) Wajib or Witr Wajib.


Q8:IsitnecessarytomentionnumberofRakahsin Niyah?

  1. Mentioning number of Rakahs is not necessary while making Niyah for prayer. However, it is commendable.