- Whilerinsingthemouth:"Allaa-hummaA'innee'AlaaZikrekawaShukrekawaHusne'Ibaadatik"
(O'Allah!Helpme,IwillrememberYouandbethankfultoYouandworshipYouinagood manner).
- Whilesniffingupthewaterintonostrils:"Allaa-hummaArehneeRaa-ihatalJannatiwalaa Turehnee 2 Raa-ihatan Naar"
(O'Allah! Letme have thefragrance of paradise andprotect me fromthe stench of hell).
- Whilewashingtheface:"Allaa-hummaBaie-yidWajheeYaumaYabyadduWujuhoonwa Taswaddu Wujooh"
(O' Allah! Grace my face with light on the day [Doomsday] when some faces will be bright and some black).
- While washing the right hand: "Allaa-humma A'tinee Kitaabee Bi-yameenee wa HaasibneeHisaaban Yaseeraa"
(O'Allah!Givememy"sheetofactions"intherighthand[ontheDoomsday]andshowleniency to me in reckoning).
- While washing the left hand: "Allaa-humma Laa Ta'tinee Kitabee Bishimaalee walaa Mieonwa-Raaa-i Zahree"
(O'Allah! Give me my "sheetof actions"neitherinthelefthandnorfrommyback.
- While doing "Masah" of the head: "Allaa-humma Azillanee Tahta ' Arshika Yauma Laa Zilla Illaa Zillu 'Arshik"
(O'Allah!PutmeundertheshadeofYourempyreanonthedaywhentherewillbenoshade excepting the shade of Your empyrean).
- While doing "Masah" of the ears: "Allaa-hummaj'alnee Minal Lazeena Yastame'oonal Qaula Fayattabe'oona Ahsanah"
(O'Allah! Make me of thosewho heed to the goodpoint and act upon it).
- Whiledoing"Masah"oftheneck:"Allaa-hummaA'tiqRaqabateeMinanNaar" (O' Allah! Free my neck from the fire[of hell]).
- While washing the right foot: "Allaa-humma Sabbit Qadamee 'Alas-Siraate Yauma TazillulAqdaam"
(O'Allah!Makemesteadyon"Siraat"(narrowpathwaypassingovertheHelltoParadise)on which others will be trembling).
- While washing the left foot: "Allaa-hummaj'al Zanbee Maghfooran wa Sa'yee Mashkooranwa Tijaaratee Lan Taboor"
(O'Allah! Forgivemy sinsbless my(good) effortwith successand mybusiness maynot ruin).
- Soon after finishing Wudu: "Allaa-hummaj'alnee Minal Muta-tah-hireen" (O'Allah! Make me ofthose who have repented andof those who are purified).
- Recite it standing and looking to the sky: "Subhaana-kal-Laahumma Wabe Hamdeka Ash-hadu Allaa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Astaghfiruka wa Atoobu Ilaiek"
(AllGlorybetoYou,O'Allah!andIpraiseYou.IbearwitnessthatthereisnogodbutYou alone. I seek Your forgiveness and repent to You).
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