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Keep Your Blessings Hidden

Keep Your Blessings Hidden: A Reflection on Privacy and Gratitude

In a world where social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, sharing every moment, every success, and every blessing has become almost second nature. Yet, there is wisdom in the age-old adage: "Keep your blessings hidden." This concept, rooted deeply in various cultural and religious traditions, including Islam, emphasizes the importance of privacy, humility, and the acknowledgment of the unseen forces that can affect our lives.

The Reality of the Evil Eye
The concept of the evil eye, or "Ayn" in Arabic, is a well-documented phenomenon in many cultures. The evil eye is believed to be a form of envy or jealousy that can bring harm or misfortune to someone who is flourishing. Whether one subscribes to this belief literally or metaphorically, the underlying message is clear: not everyone wants to see you win. Envy and jealousy can lurk even in the hearts of those closest to you—family and friends. Therefore, it is prudent to keep your blessings private to protect them.