Shirk (polytheism) and Bid'ah (innovation)?
Is it not strange that there are individuals who passionately strive to uphold and safeguard the revered station of Prophet Ibrāhīm (peace be upon him), where his blessed footprints once graced the earth? Yet, paradoxically, these same individuals often assert that venerating, adoring, and yearning for the places where Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ walked, conversed, resided, and sat, may be perceived as tantamount to Shirk (polytheism) and Bid'ah (innovation)!
One of the most detrimental innovations in our Ummah in the past 14 centuries has been the misguided attempt to diminish the profound love and devotion that believers hold in their hearts for the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. Without him, we would not have known the blessings of Ramadān, Laylat al-Qadr, Tarāwīḥ, Zakāt, Ḥajj, 'Eid, or our Lord. It is an innovation (Bid'ah) to not ardently love Rasūlullāh ﷺ. An evil innovation!
The Holy Prophet ﷺ stated: “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.”
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