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Q 1: What is the correct mode of offering prayer?  

  1. Having performed Wudu and put on pure and clean dress, one should stand upright at a clean  place orientating himself towards the Qiblah with his feet four toes apart. He should express  intention (in the heart as well as by the tongue) for whichever prayer he has to offer. He should  raise his hands upto the lobes of the ears in such a way that the palms face the Qiblah and that  the fingers remain in their normal condition (neither separated nor close together) and then bring  them down saying "Allaah-o-Akbar" and put them below his novel. The right hand should be  placed on the wrist of the left hand with the thumb and the little finger encircling the wrist and  the remaining three fingers resting on it. Now recite "Sanaa" (Subhaana Kal-Laahumma wa Bi Hamdeka wa Tabaarakasmuka wa Ta'aalaa Jadduka Walaaa Ilaaha Ghaie-ruk) followed by  "Ta'awuz" (A'oozu Billaahi Minash Shaietaa-nir Rajeem) and "Tasmiyah"( Bismil Laahir  Rahmaa-nir Raheem) and then recite "Surah Faateha" (say Ameen at the end of it in a low pitch)  followed by any Surah or three small verses. After this he should go into "Rukoo" saying  "Allaah-o-Akber" i.e. bow down placing hands on the knees with the fingers well-spread thereon  and grasp the knees. The back and the head should be straight in level and the eyes pinned on to  the toes.  

In this posture say "Subhaana Rabbi-yal Azeem" (Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most Great) at  least thrice and stand erect reciting "Tasmee'"(Sami 'Allaahu Liman Hamedah) and also say  "Tahmeed" (Allaa-humma Rabbanaa wa Lakal-Hamd or Rabbanaa Lakal Hamd) and then go  into "Sajdah" i.e. prostrate in such a manner that first the knees should be placed on the ground  then the hands and thereafter the nose and the forehead be placed firmly between both the hands.  The arms should be off the sides, the belly aloof from the thighs and the thighs apart from the  calves. All the toes of both the feet should be set firmly on the ground facing the Qiblah. Palms  should rest on the ground with the fingers pointing towards the Qiblah. In this position say  "Subhaana Rabbi-yal 'Alaa" (Glory be to my Nourisher, the Most High) three or five times. Then  he should rise reciting "Takbeer" and sit in "Jalsah" i.e. raise first his head then the hands and  then sit upright with his left foot under him and the right foot standing (resting on the insides of  the toes facing Qibla). He should put his palms on the thighs near the knees with fingers facing  the Qibla. Now he should perform second "Sajdah" reciting "Takbeer" on the style of the first  one. After having observed second Sajdah he should rise (stressing on his tiptoes and placing  hands on the knees) and stand erect. Do not place hand(s) on the ground for support except for  any disability. Now, he is in second Rak'ah. He should recite Tasmiyah, Surah Faateha followed  by any other Surah and then perform Rukoo and Sujood like that of the first Rak ah and observe  "Qa'adah" i.e. sit spreading the left foot under him and the right foot standing on the pattern of  "Jalsah" and recite "Tashah'hud" and when he reaches the word "Laa" raise the index finger of  the right hand (method:join the middle finger with the thumb to make a circle with the little and  ring fingers bent towards the palm) and lower it on uttering "Illal Laahu" and then let all the  fingers rest straight like that of the left hand, followed by Durood Shareef and Du'aa. And then  say "Salaam" i.e."As-Salaamu 'Alaiekum wa Rahmatul Laah"(peace be on you and Allah's  mercy) turning his face first towards the right side and then towards the left. Now two Rak'ahs'  prayer is over. 


Q 1: How to offer three or four Rak'ahs prayer?  

  1. If one is to offer more than two Rak'ahs then he should stand up from Qa'adah after having  recited Tashah'hud (Attahyaat) and offer the remaining Rak'ah(s) which he has to say. He should  recite only Surah Faateha in the remaining Rak'ah(s) of Fard prayer, but in case of Sunnat, Nafil  and Waajib, Surah Faateha has to be followed by any other Surah or three verses.  

Q 2: What is the difference between the prayer of Imaam and Muqtadi?  

  1. What mode of offering prayer has been delineated in this book is meant for Imaam as well as  male individual, but in Jamaa'at, Muqtadi has not to recite Surah Faateha and any other Surah or  verses and even not to recite Ta'awuz and Tasmiyah. He has only to recite Sanaa and then to be  quiet. While rising from Rukoo he should say "Allaa-humma Rabbanaa wa Lakal-Hamd or  Rabbanaa Lakal Hamd".  

Q 3: What about he who performs Sujood without firmly placing the insides of his toes on the  ground?  

  1. Placing the inside of at least one toe of each foot firmly on the ground while performing  Sajdah is Fard (obligatory) and placing the insides of three toes of each foot is Waajib  (essential). Prayer is invalid if one only touches his toes with the ground or keeps them off the  ground. Unfortunately most of us are not alive to such essentials of prayer.  

Q 4: Which Du'aa is made after Fard prayer?  

  1. After Fard prayer the following Du'aa is made:  

"Allaa-humma Antas-Salaamu wa-Minkas-Salaamu wa Ilaieka Yarji'us-Salaam. Tabaarakta  Rabbanaa wa Ta'aa-laieta Yaa Zal-Jalaale wal-Ikraam"  

(O' Allah! You are Peace and peace is from You and peace turns towards You. O' our Sovereign  Lord! You are the Most Blessed and the Most Sublime. O' possessor of all honour and awe).