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Q 1: With which water is the performance of Wudu and Ghusl lawful?  

  1. Wudu and Ghusl are lawful with the water of sea, river, canal, pond, stream, well, rain and ice  and hails' water. The water which is lawful for Wudu is also lawful for Ghusl.  

Q 2: What is meant by lake and big pond?  

  1. Those lakes and ponds which are ten arms in length and ten arms in width or whose total  measurement (in length & width) is one hundred arms, are considered lake and big pond.  

Q 3: With which water is the performance of Wudu and Ghusl unlawful?  

  1. The water squeezed out from any tree or fruit (like banana and sugarcane juice) is unlawful to  be used for Wudu. Likewise that water which has become uncoloured or distasty or smelly due  to mixing up of any pure thing or has gone thick and is no more considered water or that water  which has been boiled with anything like vegetable or meat or tea or roses or the like or that  water which has been coloured with Saffron or with some other substance to dye cloths, is not fit  for Wudu and so is the case with the "Maa-e-Musta'mal" (already used water) which is also not  fit for Wudu and Ghusl.  

Q 4: What is "Maa-e-Musta'mal"?  

  1. "Maa-e-Musta'mal" is the water which falls from the parts of the body during Wudu or Ghusl  or that water in which one who had no Wudu dipped his hand or tip of finger or even nail. Such  water is fit for other use than Wudu and Ghusl.  

Q 5: Which animals' used or left-over water is impure? A. The water used and left-over by pig,  dog, lion, tiger, wolf, elephant, jackal and other beasts (animals) of prey is impure. Similarly, a  cat killed a rat and ate it and immediately put its mouth into the water, it would become impure.  If a drunkard immediately after drinking wine drinks water, this water also becomes impure.  

Q 6: Which animals' used or left-over water is "Makrooh" (odious)?  

  1. The water used by birds of prey like eagle, falcon, hawk and kite etc. is "Makrooh"(odious)  and so is the case with cat (if has not eaten rat before drinking water), rat, snake, lizard, cow  which eats filthy stuff and hen which is given to filth.  

Q 7: Whose used or left-over water is pure?  

  1. The water used (left-over) by man and animals and birds whose flesh is lawful for food, is  pure. Likewise, the water used by the animals that live in water and the water used by horse is  also pure.  

Q 8: Is the water used or left-over by an ass or mule pure or not?  

  1. The water used or left-over by an ass or mule is dubious, since there is no certain injunction to  this effect. Such water should not be used for Wudu or Ghusl if pure water is available. In case  of nonavailability of pure water do Wudu or Ghusl, as the case may be, with this water and then  perform "Ta-yammum" (dry ablution), otherwise Salaat will not be valid. 

Q 9: What about "Makrooh" (odious) water?  

  1. Performance of Wudu and Ghusl with Makrooh (odious) water is Makrooh in case the pure  water is available. However, its use, if pure water is not available is permitted under compulsion.  

Q10: Whose sweat and spittle are impure and odious?  

  1. The animals whose used or left-over water/eatables are impure their sweat and spittle are also  impure and whose used or left-over thing is pure, their sweat and spittle are also pure. And  whose used or left-over water/food is Makrooh, their sweat and spittle are also Makrooh.  However, cloths do not become impure if ass's or mule's sweat sticks to it in whatever quantity.  

Q 11: When does the water of a big canal or pond become impure?  

  1. The water of a canal and big pond falls within the parameter of flowing water. Thus it does  not become impure if any filth fell into it. However, if the filth renders the water uncoloured or  distasty or smelly then it is impure.