Praise as much as you wish
Many deobandis / wahabbiya quotes this Hadith as how Shaykh Hasan Ali quoted on Twitter but *failing to understand deeper reason*
Umar ibn al-Khattab رض reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
❝Do not exaggerate my status as the Christians have done with the son of Mary. Verily, I am only a servant, so refer to me as the servant of Allah and His Messenger.❞
(Bukhārī 3445)
However, imam busiri said it so well explaining this hadith:
دع ما ادعته النصارى فى نبيهم
واحكم بما شئت مدحاً فيه وأحتكم
Do not say what the Christian say about their prophet (i.e. son of god); apart from this say praise as much as you wish and be steadfast.
in our age, when ignorance is widespread and people have no adab towards the messenger, presenting literal meanings of hadith will only cause further damage. Instead of highlighting the actual meaning of hadith and how great our master is.
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