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Peer ke Sharaa'it

Peer ke Sharaa'it:
A’la Hazrath Imam of Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadiri رحمة الله عليه before taking Bai'ah . The qualities are:
1. He must be a Sahihul Aqeedah Sunni, having correct beliefs.
2. He must have sufficient knowledge of Islamic law to consult the necessary Islamic reference books to enable him to answer any queries. His knowledge should be sufficient to differentiate between that which is forbidden and that which is allowed. In other words, he must be an Aalim of the Divine Laws.
3. He must not be a Faasiq Mu’lin (an open sinner, who disregards Shariah or displays with his words, actions or gestures that Shariah is unimportant or secondary)
4. His line of spiritual allegiance (his Silsila) must be linked to the Holy Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. No link should be missing due to corruption in Aqaaid and evil actions.