Q1: Whatis "Junbi"and "Janaabat"?
- He, upon whom"Ghusl" (bath) has become obligatory,iscalled"Junbi"(polluted) and causes due to which Ghusl becomes essential are called "Janaabat" (pollution).
- Junbi (polluted person) should take bath without delay. A tradition in this context says: the angels of mercy do not enter the house in which there is a "Junbi". It is sinful to delay Ghusl so much so that the prayer time runs out.
Q3:Whatinjunctionisthereforonewhoowesdifferentsortsof bath?
- If one owes different sorts of bath, he should take bath making intention of all. He will be relieved of all baths and will also earn reward.
Q4:HowmanykindsofGhuslare there?
A.Ghuslareofthreekindsi.e.Fard(obligatory),SunnatandMustahab (commendable).
Q5:WhichthingsmakeGhusl compulsory?
A.ThereareseveralthingswhichmakeGhuslcompulsory.Otherbooksmaybeconsultedinthis respect.
- Bathing a dead Muslim is "Fard-e-Kifaayah" i.e. if a few Muslims do the job all will be relieved of the obligation otherwise all will be sinful.
Q7:Which Ghuslsare Sunnat?
A.SunnatGhuslsarefivei.e.forJumu'ahprayer,Eid-ul-Fitr,Eid-ul-Adha,Hajjand Umrah.
Q8:HowmanyMustahabGhuslsare there?
A.There areseveral MustahabGhusls (commendablebaths).Someofthemare:
- Onthe15thnightofSha'baani.e.Shab-e-Bara-at(nightofsalvationandfulfillmentoffair wishes).
- 'Arafahnight which follows the8th day of
- Fortheprayerofsolarandlunar
- ForMehfil-e-Milaad(thecelebrationsoftheHolyProphet'sbirthday)andsimilarblessed
- To seek forgiveness of
- Towearanew
- ToentertheHolyKa'bahandHoly
- Tobeg forgiveness of Allahagainst any calamity orstormor pitch
- Onreachingthe destinationafter
- Topurifythebodyfromanyimpuritywhenit isnotsuretowhichpartitis
Q9: Which thingsare forbiddenforaJunbi(pollutedperson)?
- To enter a mosque, touch the Holy Qur-aan or read it (seeing the text), write an amulet or touch an amulet which carries the Qur-aanic verses is Haraam (unlawful) for a polluted person who owes Ghusl.
However, he can touch an encased Qur-aan or touch it with somecleanclothlike handkerchief if extremely needed.
- To touch the Holy Qur-aan without ablution is Haraam (unlawful). However, he can read without touching it. Coins, pots, glasses or other objects on which the Qur-aanic verses are engravedorprintedshouldnotbetouchedwithoutablution and also by a Junbi (polluted person).
Q 11: Can a Junbi or a person without ablution recite Durood Shareef (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) or Du'aa (supplication)?
- A Junbi (polluted person) and a person who has no ablution can recite Durood Shareef and make Du'aa. However, it is better to do Wudu or at least to rinse the mouth.
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