A Way to Seek Allah
■ A Way to Seek Allah:
Hazrat Abdul Wahid bin Zaid (r) was one of the esteemed Companions of the Successors. He used to sit in the circle of Imam Hasan Basri (r) and was among aulia Allah and Arifin (gnostics) of the era of the Successors.
He says:
"I was traveling one day and passed by a Wali Allah in the desert. He was wearing a blanket. I greeted him and said,
'I would like to ask you a question.'"
He said, "Ask what you want to ask, but be quick, for the days are passing and the breaths are being counted."
They say I asked:
What is the root of Taqwa - piety? What is the secret of piety?
He said, "To be patient with Allah is the essence of piety."
I asked, "Then what is the secret of Sabr - patience? What is the essence of patience?"
He said, "To put your trust in Allah in every situation."
Then I asked, "What is the secret of Yaqin - trust?"
He said, "To cut off all distractions and focus only on Allah's words. To break and cut off all thoughts and turn to Allah's thoughts in such a way that one turns to Allah from everything."
I asked again, "What is the most delicious thing in life, in the world?"
He said: "The most delicious and enjoyable thing in this world is to have a passion for the Zikr of Allah. There is nothing more delicious in this universe."
I asked, "Then what is the most beautiful and pure thing?"
He said: "To find comfort in life with Allah. To live in such a way that you are lost in Allah's company and enjoy life in Allah's company. Whether you are in a journey or at home, whether you are awake or asleep, whether you are walking or running, whether you are eating or drinking, enjoy life in the company of Allah throughout your life."
I asked, "What is the most generous thing that can be easily obtained?"
He said, "Meeting Allah. Meeting Allah, O slave of Allah, is very close, but you do not want to meet Him."
"We are closer to him than the jugular vein."
Then I asked, "What is the most painful and tormenting thing for the heart?"
He said: "To be separated from Allah. To be separated from Allah's command. To be separated from Allah's decree. To be separated from Allah's reference."
To choose separation from Allah in life is a very painful thing.
Then I asked, "What is the most joy and happiness in what thing?"
He said: "Good thoughts. To have good hope with Allah in every situation."
Then I asked,
What is a Qalb Saleem - sound heart? What is a heart of peace?
He said, "A heart of peace is one in which there is nothing but Allah."
I asked, "Tell me as we go along, Where do you eat from? What is your source?
He said, "I eat from the treasures of Allah, from the treasures."
I asked, "And what is your favorite thing?"
He said, "Whatever Allah decrees."
Then I said, "Give me some advice that I can take in my life."
He said:
"My son, to act upon the obedience of Allah. To be content with the decrees of Allah. To take delight in the Zikr of Allah. And thus to join the beloved servants of Allah. This is the secret of Wilayah - sainthood."
● Sharh/Commentary:
The root of piety is patience with Allah. The secret of patience is trust in Allah. The secret of trust is to focus only on Allah's words. The most delicious thing in life is to have a passion for the Zikr of Allah. The most beautiful and pure thing is to find comfort in life with Allah. The most generous thing that can be easily obtained is meeting Allah. The most painful and tormenting thing for the heart is to be separated from Allah. The most joy and happiness is in having good thoughts about Allah. A sound heart Qalb Saleem is one in which there is nothing but Allah. The secret of Wilayah - sainthood is to act upon the obedience of Allah, to be content with the decrees of Allah, to take delight in the Zikr of Allah, and thus to join the beloved servants of Allah.
وَصَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ سُبْحَـٰنَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ ٱلْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ وَسَلَـٰمٌ عَلَى ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ وَٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ آمين بجاه النبي الكريمﷺ
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