"Masah" on socks.
A."Masah"(passingwethands) onsocksduringperformanceofablutioninsteadofwashingfeet is lawful. However, it is better for one to wash the feet provided that he considers "Masah" lawful. The lawfulness of doing Masah on socks during ablution is proved by a chain of "Ahaadees". That's why Muslim scholars maintain that he who considers it unlawful is "misguided" and he might go infidel. Once on enquiry about the identity of "Ahle Sunnat wa Jama'at" Hadrat Imaam-e-Aazam Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him) said, keeping in view the prevalent situation in "Kufa" a city of Iraq then, "Tafdeelush Shaiekhaieni wa Hubbul Khatanaieni wa Mas-hul Khuffaien" (considering Hadrat Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Abu BakrSiddique and Hadrat Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Farooq-e-'Aazam [may Allah be pleased with them]the highest of all companions of the Holy Prophet and loving Hadrat Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Usmaan-e-Ghani and Hadrat Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali Murtuzaa (may Allah be pleased with them) and doing "Masah" on socks is the emblem of Ahle Sunnat wa Jama'at".
Q2. Whatare theconditions of "Masah"?
- There are some conditions for "Masah" like: (1). Socks should be so long as to cover the ankles easily, (2). be well-stuck to the feet so that one could walk without any difficulty, (3). should either be made of leather or only soles of those be of leather and the remaining of any other thick stuff like canvas etc.(4). socks be worn after having either performed ablution or only having washed the feet and then do ablution, (5).be worn neither in the state of "Janaabat" (seminal pollution) [when bath becomes obligatory] nor should become "Junbi" (sexually polluted) after having worn them, (6) be worn within the prescribed duration, (7) no sock should be torn more than three fingers that means during walk three fingers should not be visible from the torn part. No matter if it is (how much it may be) torn above the ankle.
- There are two "Fard" (obligatory acts) in Masah i.e. doing Masah of each sock at least to the size of three small fingers and on the surface of socks (on the portion of insteps).
- Doing Masah with (the inner surface of) three (full) fingers and drawing them upto shin with the fingers separated are Sunnat.
Q5.What istheprescribeddurationofMasah?
- The prescribed duration of Masah for a resident is a day and night and three days and three nights for a traveller. Its time begins from the first "Hadas" (nullification of ablution). For example,onewearssocksinthemorningandhisablutionnullifiesforthefirsttimeatthetime
of Zuhr (after-noon prayer) he (if resident) will do Masah next day upto Zuhr time and in case of traveller the time will last upto Zuhr of the
fourth day.
Q6.What istheaccepted mannerof Masah?
A.TheacceptedmannerofMasahistoputthreefingersoftherighthandontheendsoftheright toes and three fingers of the left hand on the ends of the left toes and then draw them upwards at least to the length of three fingers. Taking fingers upto shins is Sunnah. The fingers must be wet.
Q7. Whichthings renderMasah void?
- The things/acts which nullify ablution also render Masah void. Besides, Masah also gets nullified on completion of the prescribed duration, taking off sock or simple intention of taking off, taking the heel out of sock or the foot (more than half) comes out of sock due to any reason. Similarly, if the water gets into sock wetting the foot more than half the Masah will go void.
- Masah can be done on bandaged wound if the water harms wound or unwinding of bandage harms or there is none to unwind it. In case, the water does not harm then wash the wound. If washing harms, only flow water on it. If it also harms then do Masah on wound and even it can not be done due to fear of harm, do Masah on the bandage. It is better to do Masah on the whole bandage otherwise it must be done on most of the bandage.
Q 9. What injunction is there about any fractured bone of the body which has been plastered or strapped with bamboo splints?
- The injunction which is meant for the afore-mentioned question No.8 is alsoapplicable to this case.
Q10.WillMasahremaininorderor govoidifplasterorbandageis unfastened?
- No fresh Masah is needed if plaster or bandage is unfastened provided it is fastened again. In case of removal of plaster or bandage the wound should be either washed or Masah be done as the case may be.
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