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Q 1: What is Istinjaa?  

  1. Wiping the private parts of the body clean with clods or washing them with the water after  natural evacuation is called "Istinjaa" (abstersion).  

Q 2: What is the method of doing Istinjaa after passing urine?  

  1. After having passed urine dry the penis with a clean clod and then wash it with the water.  

Q 3: How to do Istinjaa after defecation?  

  1. After having passed faeces from the bowels one should remove filth from the orifice with  three or five clods and then wash it with the water rubbing the inner surface of fingers (not palm)  of the left hand gently thereon until all the filth (impurity) is removed and no oiliness left there.  

Q 4: Is it necessary to use water after having applied clods to the orifice?  

  1. To wash the orifice with water, though no filth stuck to it after relieving oneself, is desirable.  If the filth was sticking to it (less than a Dirham or equal to it) then the use of water is Sunnah  and in case the filth stuck to the orifice was more than a Dirham then its washing with the water  is Fard (obligatory).  

The use of clods for the purpose is Sunnah in every case.  

Q 5: With which things can Istinjaa be done?  

  1. Istinjaa can be done with clods, grits, stones and worn-out cloth provided they are all clean.  

Q 6: With which things Istinjaa is "Makrooh" (odious)?  

  1. Doing Istinjaa with these things is Makrooh:  

Bone, any eatable item, dry dung, baked brick, potsherd, coal, fodder, paper and the thing which  carries even a nominal price.  

Q 7: In which state is Istinjaa "Makrooh"?  

  1. Doing Istinjaa with the face or back towards the Qiblah is Makrooh. Istinjaa should be done at  a place where the private parts of the body are not open to people's views.  

Q 8: With which hand should Istinjaa be done?  

  1. Istinjaa should be done with the left hand and use of the right hand for the purpose is  Makrooh.  

Q 9: At which place is relieving oneself Makrooh (odious)?  

  1. Relieving oneself beside a well, pond, stream, mosque, graveyard, pathway, flowing water,  shady tree under which people sit and animals are tied, in agricultural field, rat's hole or any  other hole in the ground is Makrooh. Similarly, relieving oneself in bath room or at a place  where bath is taken or Wudu is performed and on hard soil or at such place where the urine may  get sprinkled, is odious and forbidden. 

Q10: Which things (acts) are Makrooh while passing faeces and urine?  

  1. Relieving oneself in standing position or lying posture or without dress or to go to the privy  bareheaded or to talk or to sit with the face or back towards the Qiblah, the sun and the moon or  in the opposite direction of wind is Makrooh.  

Q11: What are the etiquettes of relieving oneself?  

  1. Following are the etiquettes of passing stool or urine:  

(1) Do not raise cloths until get close to the ground and uncover the body more than needed. (2)  Sit on the feet keeping thighs (legs) wide apart with the stress on the left foot. (3) Do not look to  the private parts of the body nor the waste matter passed from the body. (4) Do not sit more than  needed. (5) Do not spit, blow nose, look hither and thither, touch the body unnecessarily and nor  look towards the sky but relieve oneself with the eyes downcast in modesty. (6) After having  relieved oneself wipe the orifice clean with clods and then change the place to wash it with the  water.