Understanding the True Nature of Sufism
■ Understanding the True Nature of Sufism:
Shaykh Faqir Tabish Kamal ق said:
Unfortunately, in the present era, some people suffer from ignorance and misunderstandings regarding Sufism and, by propagating the idea that Tariqat (the spiritual path) is opposed to Sharia (Islamic law), they not only mislead themselves but also lead others astray. However, as Imam Ghazali ق states:
"What criticism can the objectors have against a Tasawwuf path whose very first condition is purity, and their concept of purity is to cleanse the heart of everything other than Allah?" (Al-Munqidh min al-Dalal).
There is no doubt that the toxic influences of non-Arab cultures have contaminated and affected Sufism just as they have other sciences and arts. Anyone who is a discerning reader of the works of Syed Ali Hujwiri ق, Ghaus-ul-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani ق, and the six authentic books of Hadith (Sahih Sitta) can observe the Zionist influences on Iranian Sufism.
After all, Allama Iqbal ق 's statement,
"The conquest of Iran was indeed a splendid victory for Islam, but its drawback was that Sufism took on a Manichean form."
Surely has some meaning. The ultimate truth is that Sharia is essentially the foundation of Tariqat, and Tariqat is the custodian and protector of Sharia. Just as thinking about performing an obligatory act like prayer without external purification and ablution is childish, similarly, without inner purification, it is impossible to follow Sharia properly. Therefore, it is essential that in light of the questions raised about the existence, reality, and status of Sufism, we provide a balanced, correct, and comprehensive explanation of this blessing that rejuvenates faith, purifies the soul, and nourishes the mind, so that the critics of true Sufism and the misleading Persian saying
تصوف برائے شعر گفتن خوب است
"Sufism is only good for poetry" can be decisively refuted, a saying that has become so common that even the educated and uneducated accept it without investigation.
• Sair ul Aflak p.14
● Sharh:
Shaykh is saying that it has been misunderstood by many due to lack of proper knowledge—Sufism. Some people mistakenly believe that Sufism goes against Islamic law (Sharia) and they spread this misconception, misleading others as well. This misunderstanding stems from their insufficient studies and awareness of the true essence of Sufism.
• Clarification by Imam Ghazali
As Imam Ghazali beautifully put it, "How can anyone criticize a Sufi path that begins with Taharah (purity), meaning to cleanse the heart of everything except Allah?" This statement alone should make us reflect on the purity and sincerity that Sufism advocates.
• Historical Influences
There’s no doubt that non-Arab influences have affected Sufism, just like other sciences and arts. However, to truly understand Sufism, one must delve into the works of great Sufi scholars such as Data Ganjh Baksh Shaykh Syed Ali Hujwiri, Ghaus-ul-Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani, Imam Qushayri, Imam Sulami, and the six authentic books of Hadith—Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abi Dawud, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, and Sunan Nisai. These works highlight the rich and authentic Islamic teachings that Sufism is rooted in.
• Allama Iqbal’s Observation
Even Allama Iqbal noted that while the conquest of Iran was a significant victory for Islam, it introduced some non-Islamic characteristics into Sufism. This observation calls for a careful examination and understanding of Sufism in its purest form, as originally intended within Islamic teachings.
• The Relationship between Sharia and Tariqat
The truth is, Sharia (Islamic law) is the foundation of Sufism (Tariqat), and Sufism is the protector of Sharia. Just like one cannot perform prayers properly without physical purification, one cannot follow Sharia correctly without inner purification. Sufism emphasizes the importance of cleansing the soul, which in turn, enhances one’s adherence to Sharia.
• The Need for Proper Understanding
Therefore, it is crucial to explain Sufism clearly and correctly. This understanding will refresh our faith, purify our souls, and nourish our minds. By doing so, we can effectively refute the mistaken idea that "Sufism is only good for poetry," a saying that has been accepted without critical thought by many.
Let us seek knowledge and strive to understand the true essence of Sufism. Let us remember that Sufism, when understood correctly, is about purifying the heart and soul, and it aligns perfectly with the teachings of Sharia.
May Allah grant us the wisdom to appreciate the spiritual depth of Sufism and the commitment to practice our faith in its true spirit.
وَصَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ سُبْحَـٰنَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ ٱلْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ وَسَلَـٰمٌ عَلَى ٱلْمُرْسَلِينَ وَٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـٰلَمِينَ آمين بجاه النبي الكريمﷺ
#Sufism #IslamicLaw #Sharia #Tariqat #ImamGhazali #InnerPurification #SpiritualPath #TrueEssenceOfSufism #DataGanjhBaksh #AbdulQadirJilani #IslamicTeachings #AllamaIqbal #PurityOfHeart #KnowledgeOfSufism #FaithRenewal #SoulPurification #IslamicSpirituality #RejectMisconceptions #BalancedUnderstanding #IslamicWisdom #SpiritualDepth #HadithStudies
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