Q.1: What are those cases in which only Qada, Qaza of fast is due?
- If any of those acts, things which are opposed to fasting like eating, drinking and sexual intercourse is found in real sense or otherwise (apparently) in the fast or the fasting man breaks his fast before time due to any Shar'ee reason or because of doubt or by mistake or under duress, in all such cases "Qada, Qaza" (observance of fast in lieu of the spoilt fast or the fast broken before time) will become due. For instance, one ate under the impression that it was not yet dawn but later be came to know that it was actually dawn. In such situation only "Qada" would be due.
Q.2: What injunction is there for the fasting man who ate something by mistake and then he broke his fast before time?
- If a fasting man ate or drank or had sexual intercourse by mistake or his semen emitted on seeing a woman or he discharged during sleep or he vomited a little and then he intentionally ate or drank thinking that his fast was spoilt, in such situation only Qada would be due.
Q.3: What injunction is there for the one who formed "Niyat" of fast but broke it before "Zawaal"?
- If one made no intention of fast in the morning but made later before Zawaal (decline of the sun) and ate something after that or behaved like a fasting man without the intention of fast during Ramadaan or formed Niyat of a fast but not of Ramadaan fast and then ate or drank something, in all such cases only Qada would be due not atonement.
Q.4: What are those cases in which one has to behave like fasting man?
- (1) A traveller who stayed somewhere, (2).a woman in "Haiz-o-Nifaas" (menstruation and discharge of blood of the child-birth) became free from it, (3). a mad man recovered, (4).the sick recovered, (5). the one whose fast got spoilt or somebody forced him to break his fast before time, (6). or something like water went into the throat of the fasting man, (7). an unbeliever embraced Islaam, (8). an immature became mature, (9). one ate "Sahari" thinking it was yet night but it was actually dawn or (10). he broke his fast thinking that the sun has set but there was still some time in the sunset, in all such cases it is binding on the Muslims to behave like fasting man in the remaining part of the day during the holy month of Ramadaan and also observe "Qada" of the spoilt fast or the fast broken before time. However, Qada is not due on an immature who became mature and unbeliever who embraced Islaam on any day of Ramadaan.
Q.5: Will Qada, Qaza be due or not if a fasting man breaks his fast despite difference of opinion about the sunset?
- If two persons evidenced that the sun has set and the fasting man broke his fast on their evidence but later two other persons gave evidence that it was still day and the sun had not yet set, in such situation only Qada would be due not atonement.
Q.6: Will Qada become due or not if "Nafil" fast gets spoilt or broken before time? A. There is only Qada, Qaza, not atonement, for every kind of fast excepting the obligatory fast of Ramadaan if gets spoilt or is broken before time even though it may be Qada of Ramadaan's fast.
Q.7: Will Qada be due or not by the acts,things which spoil the fast?
- Only Qada will be due not atonement in all those cases which spoil the fast like pouring oil into the ear or sniffing some medicine up or application of medicine to the deep stomach injury or deep head injury which reach inside the body etc.
Q.8: Will Qada be due or not if tear or sweat gets into throat?
- If a drop of rain or a hail entered into the mouth of the fasting man or he swallowed many tears or much sweat, his fast would be spoilt and Qada would become due.
Q.9: What injunction is there if a husband had sexual intercourse with his fasting wife while she was asleep?
- If a husband had sexual intercourse with his fasting wife while she was asleep or she was in her senses in the morning and had formed Niyat of fast but later she went mad and in this condition her husband had sexual intercourse with her, in such situation only Qada would be due.
Q10: What injunction is there for the one who made intention of fast before "Zawaal" and then broke before time?
- "Kaffaarah" (atonement) becomes due only when the fast of Ramadaan is broken before time whose Niyat was formed during the night and if the intention of fast is made in the day and then broken before time, in such case only Qada would be due not atonement.
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