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Dalal'il Khayrat

Over 70 years after Imam al-Jazuli was buried, his body was taken out of his grave and relocated to Marrakech. His body was completed intact and preserved. People pressed on his skin and saw blood flowing. Imam al-Jazuli would recite a Quran every few days. He would say 'Bismillah...' tens of thousands of times a day for over 14 years. When he left the 14 year spiritual retreat, people looked at his face and accepted Islam and repented.
It said that Imam Jazuli was once in need of water for ablution but he had no means of doing so. He saw a young girl and asked for assistance. He was startled when he witnessed her miracously causing the water flow to the top of the well. She told him this was through her constant salawat/durud. After seeing this karamah, he decided to compile his famous Dalal'il Khayrat work. Historically, the Muslims have always had the Dala'il al-Khayrat in their homes and they would complete it weekly. It is a means of cure, blessings, and much goodness. Imagine on the day that people will be running from person to person seeking salvation. But the people of salawat will be right next to him ﷺ and the closest to him. 
Rasulallah ﷺ told a companion that sending salutations upon would lead to his worries being alleviated and his sins being forgiven. How many people were cured through salawat! How many locked doors were open! How many losses turned were turned into victories through salawat!