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Q1:How many methods arethere to purify the impure things?

  1. There are different methods of purifyingtheimpurethings.Forexample:
    1. Washing:To wash with the wateroranyotherliquid
    2. .Wiping: To wipe the objects like knife or table-knife which are not rusty and carry no impression. Similarly, other metallic objects can be wiped. However, rusty and impressions containing objects will have to be washed also.
    3. Scraping:Forexampleto scrapethefilthlikefaeces,dungetc:from
    4. Drying-up: For example the earth dries up due to air or heat and no trace of impurity and stench is left. Such place is pure with which "Ta-yammum"(dry ablution) can be made andprayer can also be offered thereon.
    5. Melting:Leadandtinarepurifiedby
    6. Bakingor burning: Pots madeof impure eartharepurifiedifbakedorburntinthe
    7. Transformation: For example the wine which turns vinegar or an animal falls and dies in salt mine and becomes salt is pure.


Q2:Howtopurifyathingwhichcannotbesqueezedafter wash?

  1. A thing which can not be squeezed after wash for purification like mate, thick cotton carpet, shoe etc. should be hung after wash and when it ceases to drop water, wash it second and third timesimilarly.Likewisedealwiththesilkclothwhichcannotbesqueezedowingtoitsdelicacy.


Q3:Whatisthe methodofpurifyingmetallicobjects(like copper,brassetc)andglazed pots?

  1. Metallic objects (like copper, brass, iron etc) and glazed pots which can not absorb impurity should be washed thrice only. No need of letting them to cease drops of water every time. However, it is better to rub them clean with the earth.

Q4:Howtopurifyaclothaboutwhichoneisnotsureastowhichportionofitwas polluted?

  1. If one is not sure as to which portion of the cloth was polluted, he should better wash the whole cloth. Washing a determined portion of the cloth after well consideration will also purify


Q5:Howtopurifyoilorgheeif polluted?

  1. Themethodofpurifyingliquidstufflikeoil,gheeetc.isthatthewaterequaltothequantityof liquid matter should be poured into it and then stir up well and leave for a while. After the oil or ghee has surfaced take it out and do the second and third time similarly. Thus liquid matter will be purified.