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Q1. Whichacts renderprayer"MakroohTahreemi"?

  1. Followingactsifdoneduringprayerrenderit"MakroohTahreemi":
    • To trifle with cloths or beard, (2) to wrap up cloths from front or behind while (for example)going into "Sajdah" or to pull the legs of trouser,(3) to let the cloths flow, for example, to place on the head or shoulders in such a way that its ends flow or to wear shirt without putting the hands in sleeves but instead sleeves are put on the back. It is no matter if one end of sheet is placed on one shoulder (backwards) and the other end on the other shoulder flowing in front, (4) to roll up any of sleeves above half the wrist, (5) intense pressure to defecate, urinate or break wind, (6) a woman to have back-knot of hair, (7) to remove grits for "Sajdah". However, it canbe done only once if prostration can not be made on them according to Sunnah, (8) to snap the fingers,(9) to interlock or intertwine the fingers of one hand with the other's fingers, (10) to place hand on the back, (11) to look hither and thither, (12) to look to the sky, (13) to sit like dog sitonbuttockwiththekneesjoinedtothechestandthehands(palms)areplacedonthegroundin "Thashah-hud" or between two prostrations, (14) a man to spread his wrists on the ground while performing "Sajdah", (15) to offer prayer in front of someone's face, (16) to wrap oneself up in cloth in such way that even the hands are not out, (17) to place or form turban round the head in such a manner that it is not in the centre i.e. the head is not fully covered, (18) to cover the nose and the face, (19) to cough unnecessarily, (20) to yawn intentionally, (21) to offer prayer in the cloths which carry pictures of the living, (22) to offer prayer at such a place where a picture is hung over his head or before him or on the right side or the left and even the back. However, the picture of mountain, river and the ilks does not vitiate prayer, (23) to abandon any "Waajib", for example, not to keep the back straight in "Rukoo" not to stand erect in "Quamah" or not to sit erect in "Jalsa" before going into "Sajdah", (24) to recite from the Holy Qur-aan in any posture other than "Qiyaam", (25) to finish "Qiraa-at" in "Rukoo" go into "Rukoo" before the Qiraa-at is finished, (26) to precede the Imaam in "Rukoo" and "Sujood" or to raise the head before him, (27) to offer prayer only in lower garment even though shirt or other cloth to cover the body is available otherwise it is forgiven, (28) prolongation of prayer by the Imaam for somebody whom he knows and respects. However, it is not undesirable if he prolongs the prayer only to the extent of one or two "Tasbih" (remembrance) just to help him join the prayer, (29) to hurry to get in row(join prayer) saying Al-Laahu Akbar without taking position in row, (30) to offer prayer at an encroached place or in other's cultivated or tilled field, (31) to offer prayer before a grave with no cover in-between. However, prayer will not be nullified (but in order) if there is a cover betweenthe grave and the worshippersor the grave is situated to the right side or the left or the back, (32) to offer prayer in the worship places of infidels and disbelievers. It is forbidden even to visit such places as the worship places of the infidels and disbelievers are the sanctuariesofdevils,(33)toofferprayerincloth(s)wornorsheetwrapped-upinwithinsideup,

(34)not to tie "Angarkha"(coat-like shirt), (35) not to button up "Achkan"(long coat) when there is no under-shirt and the chest is visible. If under-shirt is there then it is "Makrooh Tanzeehi". It must be borne in mind that the prayer offered with any act of "Karaahat-e-Tahreemi" has to be repeated (repetition is Waajib).

Q2. Which acts,thingsrenderprayer"MakroohTanzeehi"?

  1. Thefollowingacts,thingsifdoneduringprayerrenderit"Makrooh Tanzeehi".

(1).To recite less than three "Tasbih" unnecessarily in "Sajdah" and "Rukoo". However, Muqtadi shouldfollowImaam,forexample,hehasnotyetcompletedthreeTasbihbuttheImaamraised

his head then he should follow the Imaam, (2) to offer prayer in dirty and untidy cloths (meantfor menial work) when he has other clean cloths, ( 3) to offer prayer bare-headed (without turban or cap) due to lethargy. However, it is commendable to offer prayer bare-headed for the sake of "Khushoo-o-Khuzoo" (in fear of Allah and humility) but it should not be done openly so that the other ignorant Muslims may not get wrong impression and also to avoid show, (4) to removedust from the forehead. It can however be removed if it harms or distracts attention, otherwise it should be removed after prayer is over to avoid show, (5) to count Qur-aanic verse or"Tasbihaat"onthefingersduringprayerirrespectiveof"Fard"or"Nafl"prayer,(6)torespondto somebody's"Salaam"gesturingthe headorthehand,(7)tosquatwithoutanyvalidreason,(8)to yawn, (9) to cough intentionally, (10) an individual to stand in row when he is offering prayer by himself, (11) Muqtadi to stand alone in the rear row inspite of room in the front row otherwise permitted, (12) to recite a certain Qur-aanic chapter or verse repeatedly in a "Rakah" of obligatory prayer, (13) to place the hands on the ground before placing the knees while going to "Sajdah" and to raise the knees before the hands while rising from Sajdah without a vAlidreason, (14) to keep the head low or high from the level of the back in "Rukoo"(15) to recite "Sana", "Ta'awuz", "Tasmiyah" and "Aameen" loudly (16) to recite "Azkaar"(remembrances)of prayer displacingly, (17) to lean against wall etc. without valid reason, (18) not to place thehands on the knees during "Rukoo", (19) not to place the hands on the ground while observing Sajdah, (20) to prostrate spreading sleeves on the ground. It is, however, no matter if done to avoid the heat in case the ground is hot, (21) Imaam and Muqtadi to seek grace of Allah on the verse of mercy and beg His forgiveness on the verse concerning the torment. However, it is permitted for an individual while offering "Nafl" prayer, (22) to swing in "Qiyaam" but "Tarawuh"i.e.tolaystresssometimesontherightfootandsometimesontheleftisSunnah,(23) to lift or move the foot or feet to and fro while rising [from Rukoo or Sajdah], (24) to keep the eyes close. However, it is permitted if one finds it hard to concentrate his attention,(25) to turn the fingers away from the direction of "Qiblah" in prostration etc. (26) Imaam to stand alone in door or arch to lead prayer. It is permitted in case the Imaam stands outside the arch and prostrates in arch or some Muqtadi (s) also stand in the arch with him or there is the scarcity of space in mosque, (27) the Imaam of the first "Jama'at" to stand at a place other than the arch i.e. in the centre os the mosque to lead prayer,(28) Imaam to stand at a higher place alone to lead prayer. It is "Makrooh Tahreemi" in case the place is high, (29) Muqtadi to stand at a raisedplace and Imaam at a low without any vAlid reason, (30) one to reserve any space in mosque for oneself, (31) to have burning fire in front excepting candle or lamp, (32) to have any filth like stool in front, (33) to offer prayer at such a place which is considered to be filthy, (34) man to join his thigh(s) to the belly in "Sajdah", (35) to offer prayer in front of such a thing that engages or distracts attention.



  1. It is "Makrooh" to offer prayer on the rooftop of any mosque even to get on it. Similarly offeringprayeronitduetoheatis"Makrooh".However,therooftopofamosquecanbeusedfor prayer in case the mosque is full and there is no further space to accommodate the intending worshippers as is done in mega-cities owing to shortage of space in mosques.


Q4.Willprayerbeinorderiftrouser-legscoverthe ankles?

  1. It is "Makrooh" to offer prayer in such state that the garment flows over the ankles. It is forbidden even out of prayer. A "Hadees" to this effect says: the garment (trouser or the ilks) which hangs below the ankles is in fire (of hell). Another "Hadees" says: Allah Almighty willnot cast a merciful eye on him who trails his garment arrogantly on the ground, as some people wear trouser or western trouser flowing over the ankles as a modern fashion.

Q5. Whichpunishment doesone deservewho precedesImaaminobserving"Arkaan"ofprayer?

  1. An "Hadees" in this context says: the forelock of the one who precedes Imaam (in observing Rukoo or Sajdah etc) is in the hand of Satan. Another "Hadees" says: Does he not fear that Allah Almighty may metamorphose his head into donkey's who precedes Imaam in raising his head (from Rukoo or Sujood). May Allah protect us.


Q6.Inwhichsituationscanprayerbebroken off?

  1. Prayercanbebrokenoff(abandoned)inthefollowingsituations:
    • To kill snake etc. when one is sure of being hurt, (2) to catch a run-away animal, (3) when one fears that wolves may attack his goats, (4) fear of loss of even a "Dirham"(a small silver coin),for example, a thief got away with something,(5) intense need to relieve oneself (of urineor stool), (6) found such quantity of impurity stuck to cloth or the body which is forgiven in prayer (for instance, grave impurity smaller than the size of a "Dirham"). It is "Mustahab" (commendable) to abandon prayer in this situation provided the "Jama'at" and the prescribedtime of prayer are not missed, (7) and in case of intense need to defecate or urinate, one mustease himself regardless of missing Jama'at. But he should take care that the prescribed time of prayer is not lost, (8) in case someone is in distress and crying out for help or (9) somebody is drowning or (9) will burn in fire or (10) a blind wayfarer is going to fall in a well, in all these situations, it is "Waajib" to break off (abandon) prayer provided one is capable of saving and helping any of them.



  1. It is not lawful to break off obligatory (Fard) prayer on a simple call of parents or grand parents etc. unless they are faced with any of the distresses/situations expounded above. Similarly, one should not abandon his "Nafl" (supererogatory) prayer on their simple call provided they know that he is offering prayer and if they are not aware of his being busy in prayer then he should abandon the prayer and respond to them.