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Q 1: What is Salaat(prayer)?  

  1. Worship of Allah by the Muslims in a specified way (five times a day) is called  "Salaat"(prayer). This method of prayer has been taught to the Muslims by Allah Almighty, His  Messenger, Holy Qur-aan and Sunnah.  

Q2: On whom is prayer obligatory?  

  1. It is "Fard"(obligatory) upon every sane and mature Muslim male and female. The denier of  its obligatory nature is infidel.  

Q3: Is prayer obligatory on children?  

  1. It is not obligatory upon minors. However, at the age of seven they should be taught how to  offer prayer and when they are grown-up of 10, influence even force them if they do not offer.  

Q 4: Please explain some excellences of prayer?  

  1. The Beloved Prophet of Allah (Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa, may Allah's choicest blessings &  peace be upon him) has said: when a Muslim stands up to offer prayer his sins fall down as  leaves of a tree wither down during autumn. In another tradition it is reported that when a  Muslim stands up to offer prayer, the gates of Paradise are opened up for him. Prayer is key to  heavens. Prayer is the pillar of Islaam, whoever offers/establishes it, strengthens Islaam if  abandons it he demolishes the fortress of Islaam.  

The Holy Qur-aan says: surely prayer keeps one away from shameful and forbidden acts. In sum,  the believer who is steadfast in offering/establishing prayer is dear to Allah and His Messenger  and his livelihood, life and "Eimaan" are blessed by the grace of prayer.  

Q 5: What about that believer who does not offer prayer?  

  1. The Holy Prophet said that the name of Muslim who deliberately abandons prayer is written  on the gate of Hell. Allah and His Prophet are fed up with him. The believer who is not steadfast  in prayer will be raised with Pharaoh on the Doomsday.  

Q 6: Which punishment should be meted out to the believer who does not offer prayer?  A. Excommunicate him. He may improve himself by the fear of excommunication and become  steadfast in offering prayer.  

Q 7: What is the maturity age?  

  1. The boys and girls who have attained the age of 15 are considered mature in Islaam. Prayer  and fasts become obligatory upon them and all Islamic rules and regulations apply to them.