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  1. 1: Will the fast be spoilt or not by eating or drinking by mistake?  
  2. If one ate or drank or did any thing which was against fasting by mistake irrespective of  before making intention of fast or after intention, his fast will not be spoilt by such acts whether  it is "Fard" fast or "Nafil" one.  

Q.2: Should fasting man be reminded or not on his eating or drinking by mistake?  A. It is "Waajib" (essential) for one to remind the fasting man if he sees him eating or drinking  by mistake and not to remind him is a sinful act. But in case the fasting man is very weak  irrespective of young or old then his eating or drinking by mistake should be overlooked so that  his weak body could get nutrients by his mistake thereby to help him fulfill the obligations of  fast and prayer and also other worships as well. However, if the fasting man is healthy whether  he is young or old then it is Waajib to remind him of his mistake.  

Q.3: Will fast be spoilt by a fly or smoke that gets into throat?  

  1. If a fly or smoke or dust irrespective of flour (raised from a mill or by sieving) or dust of grain  or the dust raised by the wind or by the hooves of cattle gets into one's throat during fasting, his  fast will not be spoilt by such things even though he is conscious of his fast at the moment.  

Q.4: What injunction is there for the one who deliberately inhales smoke during fasting?  A. If one deliberately inhales smoke irrespective of anything, even he inhales the smoke of a  burning aloe stick drawing his face close to it, his fast will be spoilt. Likewise, if one smokes  hubble-bubble (Hookah) deliberately (being conscious of his fast) his fast will be spoilt and he  will also have to atone for it. So is the case with "Biri, Bidi" (an inferior cigarette with tobacco  rolled in cheap leaves), cigarette, cigar etc. even the smoker does not inhale the smoke up to the  throat at his own.  

Q.5: Will fast be spoilt or not by applying oil to the head or antimony to the eyes?  A. Application of oil to the head or antimony to the eyes does not spoil fast even though its taste  is felt in the throat or the spittle is tinged by the antimony.  

Q.6: Please explain those things which generally occur but fast is not spoilt?  A. Some things generally occur during fasting but fast is not spoilt by them. For example: (1).  One feels wetness,coldness in the body after bath or (2). swallow wetness left after the rinse of  the mouth with spittle or (3). the water gets into the ear(s) or (4).one pounded herbs,indigenous  medicine and felt its taste in his throat or (5). inserted a wax-stick into the ear to clean it and wax  stuck to the wax-stick and he inserted it again or repeatedly did it or (6). an insignificantly small  piece of food sticking to gum,tooth or remained in the mouth, got into stomach with spittle itself  or (8). the teeth bled but the blood did not go beyond the throat.  

Q.7: Will fast be spoilt or not by swallowing one's own spittle?  

  1. If fasting man's mouth produced spittle during conversation and his lips were also drenched  with it and he swallowed it or saliva dropped from his mouth but he gulped it down before the  elongated drop of it was broken or snot dropped from the nose but he inhaled it before the  elongated drop of it was broken or phlegm jumped up into the mouth by coughing and he 


swallowed it, his fast will not be spoilt by such things but these acts are abominable and against  the norms of decency. Therefore, one should avoid doing so to the possible extent.  

Q.8: What about he who ate food by mistake during fasting but abandoned it on remembering his  fast?  

  1. If one was taking food by mistake during fast and on remembering his fast he immediately  spewed up the morsel or was taking food before dawn and in the meanwhile dawn came off, he  immediately spitted out the morsel, his fast would not be spoilt but in case he swallowed the  morsel his fast would be spoilt in both case.  

Q.9: Does backbiting spoil fast or not?  

  1. Fast is not spoilt by backbiting although it is a major sin. However, backbiting strips the fast  of its "Nooraaniyat" (light, spirit). The Holy Quraan describes the backbiting as "eating the flesh  of one's own dead brother". A Hadees to this effect says: "backbiting is worse than adultery".  

Q10: What about he who owes "Ghusl" but does not perform it?  

  1. If a fasting man who owes "Ghusl" (bath) remained "Junubjunbi" (polluted) till morning or  the whole day, his fast will not be spoilt by this act. But it is "Haraam" (unlawful) and very sinful  to remain "Junbi" so long that the obligatory prayer is missed, omitted. There is in a Hadees that  the Angels of mercy do not enter the house which has a Junub, Junbi.  

Q11: Will fast be spoilt or not by eating a sesame seed?  

  1. If a fasting man masticates a sesame seed or any eatable thing of the same size and swallowed  it with spittle, his fast will not be spoilt unless its taste is felt in the throat. If felt, the fast will be  spoilt otherwise not.  

Q12: What about tear or sweat if gets into the mouth?  

  1. If a tear or tears get into the mouth of a fasting man and he swallowed that/them, his fast will  not be spoilt unless the saltiness is felt in the whole mouth. If felt, the fast will be spoilt  otherwise not. So is the case with the sweat.  
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