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हमारे साथ जुड़े

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Q1: Whatis "Junbi"and "Janaabat"?

  1. He, upon whom"Ghusl" (bath) has become obligatory,iscalled"Junbi"(polluted) and causes due to which Ghusl becomes essential are called "Janaabat" (pollution).



  1. Junbi (polluted person) should take bath without delay. A tradition in this context says: the angels of mercy do not enter the house in which there is a "Junbi". It is sinful to delay Ghusl so much so that the prayer time runs out.


Q3:Whatinjunctionisthereforonewhoowesdifferentsortsof bath?

  1. If one owes different sorts of bath, he should take bath making intention of all. He will be relieved of all baths and will also earn reward.


Q4:HowmanykindsofGhuslare there?

A.Ghuslareofthreekindsi.e.Fard(obligatory),SunnatandMustahab (commendable).


Q5:WhichthingsmakeGhusl compulsory?

A.ThereareseveralthingswhichmakeGhuslcompulsory.Otherbooksmaybeconsultedinthis respect.



  1. Bathing a dead Muslim is "Fard-e-Kifaayah" i.e. if a few Muslims do the job all will be relieved of the obligation otherwise all will be sinful.

Q7:Which Ghuslsare Sunnat?

A.SunnatGhuslsarefivei.e.forJumu'ahprayer,Eid-ul-Fitr,Eid-ul-Adha,Hajjand Umrah.

Q8:HowmanyMustahabGhuslsare there?

A.There areseveral MustahabGhusls (commendablebaths).Someofthemare:

  1. Onthe15thnightofSha'baani.e.Shab-e-Bara-at(nightofsalvationandfulfillmentoffair wishes).
  2. 'Arafahnight which follows the8th day of
  3. Fortheprayerofsolarandlunar
  4. ForMehfil-e-Milaad(thecelebrationsoftheHolyProphet'sbirthday)andsimilarblessed
  5. To seek forgiveness of
  6. Towearanew
  7. ToentertheHolyKa'bahandHoly
  8. Tobeg forgiveness of Allahagainst any calamity orstormor pitch
  9. Onreachingthe destinationafter
  10. Topurifythebodyfromanyimpuritywhenit isnotsuretowhichpartitis

Q9: Which thingsare forbiddenforaJunbi(pollutedperson)?

  1. To enter a mosque, touch the Holy Qur-aan or read it (seeing the text), write an amulet or touch an amulet which carries the Qur-aanic verses is Haraam (unlawful) for a polluted person who owes Ghusl.


However, he can touch an encased Qur-aan or touch it with somecleanclothlike handkerchief if extremely needed.


  1. To touch the Holy Qur-aan without ablution is Haraam (unlawful). However, he can read without touching it. Coins, pots, glasses or other objects on which the Qur-aanic verses are engravedorprintedshouldnotbetouchedwithoutablution and also by a Junbi (polluted person).


Q 11: Can a Junbi or a person without ablution recite Durood Shareef (invocation of Allah's blessings on the Holy Prophet) or Du'aa (supplication)?

  1. A Junbi (polluted person) and a person who has no ablution can recite Durood Shareef and make Du'aa. However, it is better to do Wudu or at least to rinse the mouth.