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Q1.Who are called "Khulfaa-e-Raashideen"?

  1. Those great and pious companions who were elected Caliphs in succession after the Holy Prophet are called "Khulfaa-e-Raashideen" (the true Caliphs of the faithfuls) and their Caliphate is called "Khilaafat-e-Raashidah" (the true Caliphate). Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) was the first Caliph, Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa 'Umar-e-Farooque (mayAllahbepleasedwithhim)wasthesecondandHadratSaiey-yidinaa'Usman-e-Ghani(may Allah be pleased with him) and Hadrat Moula 'Ali Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with him) were the third and fourth Caliph respectively. After Hadrat Ali, his eldest son Hadrat Imaam Hasan Mujtaba (may Allah be pleased with him) became Caliph of the faithfuls and remained in the office for about six months. His Caliphate is also included in "Khilaafat-e-Raashidah".


Q 2. How long did the "Khilaafat-e-Raashidah" last?

  1. The total span of "Khilaafat-e-Raashidah" which was modelled on "Shari'ahh" i.e. in consonence with the teachings of the Holy Qur-aan and the Holy Prophet, was thirty years. It culiminated at the end of six months' Caliphate of Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa Imaam Hasan (mayAllah be pleased with him). Later on, Hadrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz's Caliphate was called "Khilaafat-e-Raashidah".


During the time of proximity to the Doomsday there will be the Khilaafat-e-Raashidah of Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa Imaam Mehdi (may Allah be pleased with him).

Q3.Whoisthemostprominentof "Khulfaa-e-Raashideen"?

  1. Hadrat Siddique Akbar (may Allah be pleased with him) is the most prominent and highest of all creatures barring Apostles, Messengers and Prophets and next to him are Hadrat Farooque A'zam, Hadrat Usman-e-Ghani and Hadrat Moula Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) in rank

Q 4. What about that person who considers Hadrat Moula Ali superior to all "Khulfaa-e- Raashideen"?

  1. He who considers Hadrat Moula Ali superior to Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa Siddique Akbar or Hadrat Saiey-yidinaa Farooque Azam (may Allah be pleased with them) is a misguided, infidel and is out from the fold of "Ahle Sunnat wal Jama'at". Hadrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) has said himself that any person who considers him superior to Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique or Hadrat Umar Farooque, is denier of all companions of the Holy Prophet and warned that he would severely lash such a misguided man. Undoubtedly, Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) is the highest of all men after the Holy Prophet and Hadrat Umar and Hadrat Usman (may Allah be pleased with them) are next to him in superiority.


Q 5. What about that one who does not acknowledge the Caliphate of Hadrat Siddique Akbar, Hadrat Faarooque Azam and Hadrat Usman-e-Ghani (may Allah be pleased with them)?

  1. All companions of the Holy Prophet had complete concurrence and consensus on "Khulafaa- e-Salaasah" i.e. the Caliphates of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Hadrat Umar Farooque and Hadrat Usman-e-Ghani (may Allah be pleased with them) in succession. The whole Muslim community has been acknowledging these three great companions of the Holy Prophet as "Khaalifah" (successor,CaliphoftheHolyProphet)sincetheveryday(s)thesaidcompanionswereinstalled

in the office(s) successively. Even Hadrat Moula Ali, Imaam Hasan and Imaam Husain (may Allah be pleased with them) had acceded to their Caliphats and sworn allegiance to them during their respective tenure of office. They also held them in high esteem and spoke of their greatness and excellences. Any one who does not accept their Caliphats or says them usurper is, indeed, misguided and disbeliever.


The Caliphate of Hadrat Siddique Akbar (may Allah be pleased with him) is undeniably established by cogent and potent proofs. Hence, he who denies his Caliphate is, of course, out from Islaamic fold.

Q6. Whichcompanionsof theHoly Prophetarecalled"Shaikhain"and"Khatanain"?

  1. The first Caliph Hadrat Siddique Akbar and the second Caliph Hadrat Umar Farooque Azam (may Allah be pleased with them) are called "Shaikhain" and the third Caliph Hadrat Usman-e- Ghani and the fourth Caliph Hadrat Moula Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) are called "Khatanain". The Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa (may Alllah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him) married Hadrat A'Ishaa Siddiqa (may Allah be pleased with her) daughter of Hadrat Siddique Akbar and Hadrat Hafsa (may Allah be pleased with her) daughter of Hadrat UmarFarooqueAzam.ThisexclusivehonourwhichtheHolyProphetconferreduponthesegreat companions made them "Shaikh" pl. "Shaikhain" (venerable). The Holy Prophet graced Hadrat Usman-e-Ghani by giving his daughter Hadrat Ruqaieyah (may Allah be pleased with her) in marriage to himand after her death his second daughter Umm-e-Kulsoom(may Allah be pleased with her) was married to him and graced Hadrat Moula Ali by giving his "beloved daughter" Hadrat Beebee Faatemah Zohra (may Allah be pleased with her) in marriage to him. These great companions are thus called "Khatanain". "Khatan" pl. "Khatanain" means son-in-law and "Shaikh" means father-in-law. However, it must be kept in mind that to call "Shaiekhain" as fathers-in-lawand"Khatanain"assons-in-lawisderogatoryandstrictlyforbidden.SomeMuslim scholars have gone to the extent of describing such words as disbelief, infidelity.

Q7.Pleaseexplaininbriefabout Khulfaa-e-Raashideen?

  • Thefirst Caliph Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique(mayAllahbepleasedwithhim).

His name is Abdullah and titles are "Siddique" (the truthful) and "Ateeque" (free from hell-fire). He was born in the Holy Makkah about two years after the birth of the Holy Prophet. He was very rich and greatly respected in his clan. He was the first in men to embrace Islaam and was also the first believer to offer prayer with the Holy Prophet. He devoted himself to the Holy Prophet and lost in his love since the very day he embraced Islaam so much so that he never separated himself from the Holy Prophet except with permission and migrated with him alone to the holy Madinah leaving his family in holy Makkah. He sacrified all his wealth and belongings to the cause of Islaam.


HisgreatnessisprovedbyvariousQur-aanicversesandnumerousProphetic sayings.

The Holy Prophet has said that "it is incumbent upon my Ummah to love Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) and be thanful to him. He was unanimously electedthefirstCaliphofthefaithfulsaftertheHolyProphet(apparently)passedawayandhisCaliphate proved to be a divine blessing for all believers.

On7thJamaadi-II,13A.H.(Monday)hetookbathwhichcausedhimhightemperaturebecauseit was a very cold day. He remained sick for fifteen days and at last passed away on 22nd Jamaadi- II (Tuesday) at the age of 63. He remained Caliph for about two years and seven months.


  1. Thesecond Caliph Hadrat Farooque Azam(mayAllahbepleasedwithhim).

His name is Umar, Kuniya(surname) is Abu Hafs and title is Faarooque (the one who distinguishes between right and wrong).


He was born after thirteen years of the "Year ofElephant" (i.e.when Abrahah, the Christian chief of Yemen and his army had invaded Makkah riding on elephants). He belonged to a prominent familyofQuresh.HeembracedIslaaminthesixthyearofCall(ofProphethood)attheageof27. After having embraced Islaam he took believers to the holy Ka'bah with dignity and openly with the permission of the Holy Prophet. His conversion to Islaam proved to be of immense value to the promotion and glory of Islaam. The Muslims were delighted and disbelievers and infidels were shocked.

His greatness and excellences are proved by a number of Qur-aanic verses and Propheticsayings.OncetheHolyProphetsaidthat"everyangelintheheavensrespects(Hadrat)Umarand every Satan on the earth trembles with fear of him".


Hadrat Imaam Jaafar Saadique (may Allah be pleased with him) has expressed his sickness of those who speak ill of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique and Hadrat Umar Farooque (may Allah be pleased with them). Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) during his illness had nominated Hadrat Umar Farooque(may Allah be pleased with him) Caliph of the faithfuls after consultation with Hadrat Moula Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and other companions. He assumed the reins of Caliphate in the month of Jamaadi-II and remained in the office for over ten years. During his Caliphate Islaam was glorified and spread far and wide. Innumerable states inclusive of Persian and Roman empires were conquered and the banner of Islaam was held aloft everywhere.

He was martyred by a fire-worshipper (Zoroasterian) Abu Lulu in Zilhij, 23 A.H. and buried in the hallowed tomb of the Holy Prophet adjacent to Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique(may Allah be pleased with him). He was 63.

  1. ThethirdCaliphHadratUsman-e-Ghani(may Allahbe pleasedwith him):

Usman bin Affaan is his name. He was born after six years of the "Year of Elephant". He embraced Islaam on the invitation of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique. The Holy Prophet gave his two daughtersi.e.HadratRuqaieyaandHadratUmm-e-Kulsoominmarriagetohim.Heis,therefore, called "Zulnoorain" (the possessor of two lights, a reference tothe daughters of the Holy Prophet who were married to him). This is an exclusive honour as there is no like of it in human history that any Prophet had given his two daughters in marriage to any person but Usman-e-Ghani. He was very handsome and smart. His greatness and excellences are vindicated by numerous Prophetic sayings which also speak of the esteem in which the Holy Prophet held him. After embracing Islaam he had adopted a practice of freeing a slave on every Friday which he kept up till his death. During the last days of his Caliphate Hadrat Umar Farooque (may Allah be pleased with him) had constituted "Shoora" (consultative body) to elect his successor. Hadrat Usman-e- Ghani(may Allah be pleased with him) was unanimously elected third Caliph by the faithfuls who swore their allegiance to him after three days of the burial of Hadrat Umar Farooque. He remained Caliph for twelve years and attained martyrdom in 25 A.H. He was 82.


  1. ThefourthCaliph Hadrat'AleeMurtaza (mayAllahbe pleasedwith him):

'Alee is his name and "Kuniya" (surname) is Abul Hasan and Abu Turaab. He was the first in teenagers to embrace Islaam. He never worshipped idols like Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him). The Holy Prophet gave his daughter "Khaatoon-e-Jannat" (the lady ofparadise)HadratFatimah(mayAllahbepleasedwithher)inmarriagetohim.Hewas

invincibly brave and undaunted. "Saadaat Kiraam" and "Aulaad-e-Rasool" (family, posterity of the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa [may Allah's choicest blessings & peace be upon him]) spread out from the wedlock of Hadrat Faatemah and Hadrat' Ali (may Allah be pleased with them). The sainthood originated from his family and millions of saints are guiding others to the path of righteousness all over the world receiving benefits and favours from the fountain- head of his spiritual knowledge and intellect.


His greatness and excellences are borne out by Qur-aanic verses and Prophetic sayings. TheHoly Prophet once said: Seeing (Hadrat) 'Ali is a sort of worship. After the death of Hadrat Usman-e-Ghani (may Allah be pleased with him), the third Caliph, Hadrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was elected the fourth Caliph by all the companions who were then present in holy Madinah and they swore allegiance to him. The battle of "Jamal" (camel) between him and HadratA'IshaaSiddiqa(mayAllahbepleasedwithher)tookplacein36A.H.andinSafar,37

A.H. the battle of Siffin between him and Hadrat Mu'awiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) was fought which ended on a treaty reached between them. Hadrat Moula Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) crushed insurgency of a mischief-makers' sect "Kharijites". A Kharijite Ibne Muljimmartyred himon 17th of Ramadaan, 40 A.H. He was about 65. He remained in the office for four years and nine months.