Q 1: On whom is "Eid" prayer incumbent?
- There are two "Eids": (1). Eidul Fitr which is observed on 1st of Shawwal after completion of the sacred month of Ramadaan and (2).Eidul Adha (Eidul Azha) which is observed on 10th of Zil-Hijj. The prayer of both Eids is "Waajib"(essential) for those upon whom Jumu'ah prayer is obligatory. It is an innovation and misguidance to omit Eid prayer without any valid reason and Makrooh Tahreemi to offer it in villages.
Q 2: Do these (Eids') prayers also have some conditions like that of Jumu'ah prayer? A. Yes, these prayers carry the same conditions as the Jumu'ah prayer does with the exception of Khutbah which is pre-requisite for Jumu'ah but Sunnat in Eids' prayers and delivered before Jumu'ah prayer but after Eids' prayers and Azaan and Iqaamah which are not uttered for Eids. However, it is permitted to say: "Assalaatu Jaamiah" (prayer is about to begin).
Q 3: Which things,acts are Sunnat or "Mustahab" on the day of EidulFitr? A. These things,acts are "Mustahab" (commendable acts) on Eid day:
(1).To get the hair cut, (2) to pare nails, (3) take bath, (4) brush the teeth with "Miswaak", (5) put on good cloths, (6) apply indigenous perfume to one's self, (7) offer "Fajr" prayer in the mosque of one's neighbourhood, (8) reach "Eid Gah"(a big place, field) where Eid's prayer is held) or mosque before the prayer time, (9) pay "Sadaqa-tul-Fitr"(charity prescribed for Eidul Fitr) before the prayer, (10) go on foot to "Eid Gah" or mosque, (11) return home from other way than the one taken to Eid Gah or mosque, (12) eat three or five or more dates but in odd number or any other sweet prior to proceeding for the prayer, (13) express happiness, (14) greet one another, (15) walk to "Eid Gah" or mosque with calm, grace and the eyes downcast, (16) give more and more "Sadaqah" (propitiatory offerings) and (17) shake hands and embrace one another after the Eid prayer is over.
Q 4: Which things, acts are "Mustahab" in Eidul Adha?
- All things, acts are the same in Eidul Adha (Eidul Azha) as that of Eidul Fitr except that one should not eat anything before Eidul Adha prayer even though he does not sacrifice (animal), there is no undesirability if one eats, and should utter "Takbeer" loudly on way to Eid Gah or mosque.
Q 5: What is the mode of offering Eid prayer?
- The mode of offering Eid prayer is that one should form "Niyah" (intention) for two Rak'ahs of Eidul Fitr or Eidul Adha Waajib; raise his hands upto the ears and then fold them below his navel saying: "Allah-o-Akbar", recite "Sana" then lift the hands upto the ears and let them go; raise the hands again and let go of them; then lift them again and then fold them below his navel. He may keep this process in mind by the point that the hands have to be folded where recitation is done. Now the Imaam should recite "Ta'awuz" and "Tasmiyah" in low voice and then Surah Faateha followed by any other Surah aloud; observe Rukoo and Sujood as usual and then stand up for the second Rak'ah. In this, he should recite Surah Faateha and any other Surah and then raise his hands upto the ears saying "Allah-o-Akbar" and let go of them thrice and thereafter observe Rukoo saying "Allah-o-Akbar" and then complete the Rak'ah as usual with "Salaam". Now, the Imaam should deliver two sermons highlighting the commandments regarding Sadaqatul Fitr on the occasion of Eidul Fitr and regarding sacrifice (of animals) and "Takbeeraat-
e-Tashreeq" on the occasion of Eidul Adha. It is Waajib for Muqtadis to listen to Eids' Khutbahs like that of other Khutbahs.
Q 6: What is meant by "Takbeeraat-e-Tashreeq"?
- "Al-Laahu Akbar Al-Laahu Akbar, Laa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wallaahu Akbar. Al-Laahu Akbar wa Lil Laahil Hamd" is recited immediately after every congregational prayer from the "Fajr" of 9th Zil-Hijj upto the "Asr" of 13th Zil-Hijj loudly. This is called "Takbeer-e-Tashreeq". To recite it once is Waajib and thrice is Mustahab. It is not recited after Nafl, Witr and Sunnat prayers but Waajib to be recited after Jumu'ah prayer. It may be recited after Eidul Adha prayer. The one who offers prayer by oneself may also recite the said Takbeer though it is not Waajib for him.
Q 7: What is the time of offering Eid prayer?
- The time for Eid prayer begins after the sun has risen to a height of one spear and lasts till meridian, but the prayer will be vitiated if "Zawaal" occurs i.e. the sun declines before saying "Salaam" i.e. before the prayer is over.
It is Mustahab to somewhat delay the offering of Eidul Fitr and to hurry for Eidul Adha. Eidul Fitr should, if could not be offered on the first day owing to some valid reason, be offered on the second day. But it can not be offered on third day. Eidul Adha prayer can be deferred till 12th (of Zil-Hijj) for any valid reason sans undesirability. But it can not be offered after 12th.
Q 8: Can one who missed Eid prayer offer Qada thereof or not?
- Qada of Eid prayer is not due to the one who either missed it or joined Eid's congregational prayer but his prayer was vitiated because of any reason. However, he can offer it if gets "Jama'at" in other mosque. It is better for him to offer four Rak'ahs of "Chaasht" prayer in lieu of missed Eid prayer.
Q 9: For whom is Takbeer-e-Tashreeq "Waajib"?
- Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is Waajib for the resident of a city,town or the one who offered prayer under his (resident's) leadership irrespective of traveller and villager. In case, the resident offered prayer behind a traveller, then it is Waajib for the resident but not for the Imaam (traveller). Takbeer-e-Tashreeq is also Waajib for "Masbooq" and "Laa Haq" but when they say "Salaam" i.e. finish their prayer.
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